It's that time of year again, for the second time now I will be moving away from my family and friends to take on the rollercoaster that is college, and although I am excited for what is ahead I have to take a look back at everything and everyone I am leaving.
First of all, mom and dad, there is a certain comfort that comes with living under your roof. It's like being a little kid again. Leaving home is never easy and I will miss you guys so much (hence my constant phone calls home) I also want to thank you for a summer full of adventure and the endless support I receive. I am ready to move back to school just not ready to leave you guys, so wanna pack your bags and move with me?
To my little brother, you may not know it now but you mean a lot to me, and even though you're too cool of a teenage boy to admit it, I know you'll miss me.
To my friends, I hate saying goodbye and living away from you is not easy by any means. I am lucky however that I have social media to rely on to constantly stalk you and for you to watch me, so it's basically like we're virtually together. Also, don't be offended when I call my college friends my best friends. I love you all equally. I hope you get the chance to visit me and I plan on making it to visit you whenever I am in town.
To my new roommates, I am so excited. I can not wait to live with you guys, I have been bragging all summer and I can't wait for us all to be under the same roof again. I can't wait for the late night study sessions, the early mornings, movie days, Sonic runs and nights going out, I couldn't imagine better people to make these memories with.
To my professors, I didn't take an 8 a.m. because if I learned one thing during my first year it's that I will fall asleep, so you're welcome for that. I am excited for what you are about to teach me....But ask me that again in a few weeks, I'm sure by then the excitement will have fizzled out.
The Returning College Student