From teaching me to tie my shoes, and teaching me to play the game I love you have always been there for me. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a brother, but fortunately for me; I am.
You have been with me through all the good and the bad, and for that I am thankful. I do not say this often, but you have helped me through a lot. We both know how crazy our family can get sometimes, and it's nice to have you by my side through it all.
We have had so many memories together, ranging from being in kindergarten when we went riding and hit the pot hole and fell off; breaking my arm to when you watched me walk across the stage at graduation. I am so happy we have had 18 years to make unforgettable memories together.
Sure we may argue from time to time, but honestly what siblings don't fight with each other every once in awhile. We definitely drive mom nuts the days we are together because of how much we argue over things with each other, and because of how we make fun of each other or make jokes about one another. No matter how old we get, I'm sure that is going to be one thing that we always do.
We may have our moments, but I know that you will always have my back. Whether it be the crazy family arguments, backing me up on the decisions I make or the ones I think of making, and being there for me when it comes to relationships; not only boyfriends or those trying to make it there at least, but friendships. You have been able to spot the fake friends and fake relationships way before I ever have. You may not want to admit it, but you are my rock when it comes to this- you are not afraid to say what is on your mind, and what you think someone is up to. You try to make me realize other people's intentions, and for that I am grateful.
Leaving for college whether it be close or far, was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. I was so used to having you around the house with me and knowing that if anything happened that you were right there. Even know with living at college I know you are a phone call away, and would be to the rescue in a matter of seconds. No matter where we end up later in life I know that will always be the case. I will always be there for you, and I know you will always be there for me.
Growing up with you by my side has always been a blessing, because I know I would not be able to make it through this crazy world without you by my side. It is us against the world; it always has been, and it always will be. Because "when sister & brother stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?"