This open letter is in no shape or form to start a debate, or spark controversy. I do not want to discuss politics, and start problems. This letter is a reassurance for those that have been the targets of recent hate crimes that have come into light after the 2016 Presidential election, and for the entirety of the American public.
For starters, the important thing to do right now is to reflect on the actions that have hurt you. How have these actions hurt you? What did they make feel? What are we, as a community going to do about these actions? That's the first thing we have to do; heal and reflect.
Then, we raise awareness. Speak publicly, whether that's through social media or in person, speak about the injustices that have affected you. Share your personal experiences to let others know that they are not alone. The important aspect of this healing process is unity. We, as a community that has experienced so much oppression, need to unite and protect one another.
Racism has always been rooted in our society for centuries. We need to acknowledge that because while yes this recent election has indeed brought the worse out of people, the hatred being felt has always been prominent. In this day and age, we need to take hatred, and fight it. We need to unite, and stand up for our basic human rights, and fight for what we believe in. Most importantly, we have to have hope. We need to spread love and compassion to everyone we cross paths with.
I personally have hope for our future. Despite the election, despite the hatred, and despite the tension of impending doom that has been felt all over the United States, we have to try to stay strong, and fight for what's right. Spread hope by defending others in trouble. Spread hope by educating the uneducated. Spread hope by volunteering for causes, and raising awareness for any injustices taking place. We just need to unite, and try to make the world a better place for future generations.
In the words of Martin Luther King JR, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
So get out there and fight with compassion. Don't spread hatred because hatred won't get our causes anywhere.Remember, you are not, nor ever will be, alone in this fight.