Ode to Michelle Obama,
Our incredible First Lady,
Inspiring us to move in the right direction,
For change, positivity, and
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama,
Lawyer, writer, and First Lady,
Advocating during her time in office
For four outstanding goals.
She launched “Joining Forces,”
A project aiming to help service members and their families
Through education, health, and finding employment.
Her goal was to see Veterans succeed in our country
After time spent away from their loved ones.
She became an advocate for health,
Promoting exercise, nutrition, and limited screen time
For our youth.
From launching “Let’s Move,” American Public Schools
Have updated their lunch menus, offering healthier
Choices in the cafeterias.
Her implementation of “The School Lunch Program”
Also provided free or reduced-price lunches for over
21 million students, helping the success of students everywhere,
And providing them with healthier meals.
She has also advocated for higher education of the
Nation’s youth, inspiring them to seek
Higher education after high school,
Whether that be a community college,
Four-year university,
Or a professional training program.
Through her 2014 “Reach Higher Initiative,”
Her program aims to educate high school
Students about education and career opportunities,
While helping them make academic and financial plans.
Her fourth main goal as First Lady
May have been my favorite,
Inspiring young women,
All over the world,
To seek higher education.
Her empowering 2015 “Let Girls Learn” program
Inspired girls in our country to stay in school,
And for countries worldwide to help educate
And empower girls who may not have much hope.
First Lady Michelle Obama,
Your essential goals were brilliant,
And extremely successful.
But, I believe you do have one more goal,
One that may have been forgotten
In your long list of achievements.
You advocated for love,
And for peace,
Something you continue, and
Will continue advocating for
After leaving office.
You are a role model for young people,
Speaking of courage and strength,
Your famous and inspiring quote,
“When they go low, we go high.”
You spoke to the nation,
Telling them not to pick apart others,
But to find their strengths,
A way of accepting all people.
You traveled the world,
In every effort to bring people up,
And to advocate for their successes.
You, to so many, are a hero.
You are the first lady I’ve ever really remembered,
And I’ve grown up with you and
Your family in office,
Inspiring so many to fight for change
And to love one another as our equal.
I am nervous for our future,
But I am thankful for the time
Our country had you,
And I know that your
Legacy will never die.
Ode to Michelle Obama,
Our First Lady,
Our role model.
My inspiration.