You want Philly Philly?
Here is Sir Gritty Gritty
Who is this orange Gritty?
Why he was mold and breaded within our city!
At first the people gave pity:
Oh my how hideous is this Gritty!
But what they did not know was
That he was not soft like a kitty
Haters sling arrows at him
Yet he just stares right back without whim
He can save us from demise
By looking into his eyes
A tougher task than when enemies
Looked down at Bernie or Pelle in their masks
As a symbol of Philly now resides in the rink
There is one question left:
What would Ed Snider think?
While we don't know if the founder would approve
We hope his presence gets a kick outta our new fool
The Phanatic, Franklin, Phang, and Swoop
Now have a new friend who'll make them stoop
Though those who fly may not have
Reclaimed the grand days of Broad Street
They found someone who is quite simply too sweet,
Sweeter than the gap of Bobby Clarke's two front teeth
Even when they lose
He is still there
Gritty is everywhere
For if there were ever a crime committed by Gritty
T'was that he was simply too witty
Gritty Gritty.