How great is flannel? That’s not a rhetorical question, I’ll wait for you to say your answer out loud. You said it, right? Well, if you happened to have said, “Flannel is the greatest thing since sliced bread,” I would have to say that flannel came about before sliced bread, but it is pretty great. If you said, “I hate flannel, it’s dumb,” I would then have to say you’re dumb. Here is a review of the flannel style,
“It is my lifeblood. Flannel is so important. It looks good on everyone. I have not found somebody who does not look good in flannel. It’s practical, comfortable, and you look damn good in it. You can dress it up, you can dress it down or flannel on flannel, it looks good. It is one of the five F’s: family, friends, flannel, food, faith.” – Jared Grey, flannel enthusiast and local Catholic.
According to Wikipedia, flannel was originally made from wool or yarn, but is now made from other modern stuff, because times change, fashion moves forward along with society and technology. Now, a flannel shirt is a shirt that either has a plaid/tartan pattern. Tartan, according to Wikipedia, was actually once banned in Scotland. Banned because warrior clans needed to get under control. The most popular forms of tartan are Royal Stewart
It makes sense because they’re pretty cool.
Here’s another review about flannel:
“Flannel is excellent. You can wear it any time you want. Not only in terms of dressing it up or dressing it down. But in terms of any time of the year and in any context. You know, hipsters wear flannels, cowboys wear flannel, another group on this list wears flannel, it’s just a really good thing to have in your wardrobe. It’s a fashion staple.” – Stella Belle, flannel enthusiast, resident hipster.
“I like the comparing colors. I think it’s cool that there are multiple colors and when you put them over each over they change. You can put them over anything.” – Marina Bartlet, fashion expert and single mother.
It’s amazing how many people out there love flannel. Except, wait a minute, it’s actually not, because flannel is amazing and everyone who thinks so has the correct opinion. Everyone who disagrees is incorrect. Take the moment when the words you are reading were being written. It’s a beautiful day out, and fairly warm out. Now, think back to a day when it was cold. You know what was perfect then? That’s right, flannel.
In fact, look at all these famous people wearing flannel:
David Beckham
Nick Offerman playing Ron Swanson on the hilarious TV show "Parks and Rec."
Manly Paper Towel man
Jason Alexander/George Costanza
There you have it, folks, whether you’re trying to woo the pretty lady or fella, dress up or dress down, or simply looking for something to wear, never forget flannel. Because it’s true what they say look good, feel good.
And, flannel looks damn good.