An Ode to Crown Point Indiana | The Odyssey Online
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An Ode to Crown Point Indiana

It's so much more than just corn and snow

An Ode to Crown Point Indiana

A quaint town in Northwest Indiana, Crown Point is the epitome of a small town with "nothing" to do. So many people don't even know what Crown Point is, so a lot of people just say they are from Chicago since we are so close. I still say Crown Point because why not? Everyone relates significant qualities with their hometown, for me, Crown Point is not only home but it carries all of my childhood memories with it. Since leaving, I have realized that there are a lot of things I never really took into notice or care about associated with the town. Trust me, if you're from a small town like Crown Point you'll be able to relate to what I'm about to put down.

Bars, bars everywhere (and a few shops and restaurants)

The square in Crown Point is the biggest hot spot to bar hop. People come from other towns just to go to our bars. Which I find crazy, because that means they are more crowded than usual. You have the older ones versus the newer one's but somehow Diamond Jim's stills attracts a crowd, while Buddy and Pal's continues to be a staple. All of the buildings have character and history that make Crown Point feel homey. We do have a few restaurants and shops in between the bars that gives the town character, but nothing beats the bar scene on the weekends.

Let's all be Irish for a day!

We don't have a lake to dye green, but the St. Patty's Day spirit is not lacking. It's one of the biggest days of the year for Crown Point just because the bars and the square itself are insane. There is food, music and even a parade. The festivities definitely make you feel Irish for a day. If you have been to this parade don't be surprised if you can't move, that's only normal.

Let's not forget the other food filled festivities

The Taste of Crown Point and the Corn Roast are huge back home. I mean what is Indiana without a corn festival? Not only do you get to eat and listen to live music, but it's like a little reunion for those of us that have graduated. You either love the festivities or you don't, either way they are a pretty fun way to kick off warm weather! The square is shut down for both of these which makes traffic a pain, but if you're in walking distance to the square you'll have no problem grabbing dinner in town.

The Hot Dog Guy always has a smile on his face

I don't know about you, but the Hot Dog Guy is always so friendly and he even has his own Facebook page. Even if you just drive by he always waves to you! Everyone knows who he is because of his bright personality during the summer. He is always so friendly and let's be honest, he has the best hot dogs on the square. I think his personality makes them that much more desired.

Friday night football

If you attended Crown Point High School, Friday night football games were huge. Our Student section was definitely some of the funnest times I have had in high school. Being a CPHS bulldog was basically a lifestyle for these games. Hanging the banners for the football players and having the seniors lead chants during the game has served as a great memory through my high school experience. As a community, any high school sports really were a big deal for us and we showed a lot of school. From freshman year to my senior year (and even now), I still cheer on CPHS!

The Lake County Fair

You either love it or you hate it, either way the fair comes every August to Crown Point. With the fair brings in even bigger crowds from all over the region. The traffic can be the worst especially if you live close to the fairgrounds where it's held (like me). Even going to Stracks can be a pain because they allow fair parking around that area. Besides all of the downsides, the fair can still be fun if you still go. When you were in middle school you definitely got the Mega Ride Pass. Now, you may just go for the food (like me).

We're close to one of the greatest cities

Chicago is really convenient to get to. With it being only about 45 minutes away, a lot of people from Crown Point commute there for work or even just to spend a day out of town. You want deep dish pizza? Let's go to Gino's East or Lou Malnati's! You want cold weather and snow? Welcome the windy city with lake effect snow. Either way, you get the best of both worlds; a small town to come home to, and a big city to visit during the day.

It will always be home

No matter where you may go, Crown Point will always be home. Whether it be the festivals, food or even the bars, it's a great town to grow up in. We all relate things to our hometown and even though I have only listed a few, there are so many things I can say about my hometown. Wherever you begin your journey, you always have a hometown to go to. No matter what, Crown Point will always be a comfort to me when I come home to visit from college. Even during the cold winters and lake effect snow, Crown Point still shows it's redeeming qualities!

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