Last Friday Donald Trump banned 7 countries from entering the United States. This travel ban excludes Syrians, Iraqi’s, Iranians, Yemenis, Libyans, Somalis and Sudanese citizens from entering the US for 90 days. While using the most radical way to deal with terrorism, Trump and his counterparts also barred incoming refugees from these countries for 120 days.
Why is Trump doing this? Is it because he is Islamophobic and unable to sympathize with Muslims?
Or is it just a way to make America safe again? Let's look at two perspectives.
Imagine living in an ISIL controlled area. An unpredictable warzone you never wanted to be apart of. Imagine you are wedged between a power hungry extremist group with an appetite for a religious dictatorship and a nation fighting for freedom. While all you want to do is live in a country where you have enough resources to live off of, won’t get hit by a bomb in an airstrike or shot by a stray bullet. The only way to apply for asylum (Mostly in the European Union) is to migrate first then apply, which is very dangerous. Most refugees pack onto small boats and hope for the best. To apply for a refugee status--popular in America and Canada--you must prove you are in danger, then you must wait for clearance (America). Or you must apply at any port; airport, border etc. which still involves migrating (Canada). Leaving isn't easy to begin with and now, America -- the land of the free, has restricted you from entering the states due to the very ones terrorizing you. You feel hopeless; damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Now imagine you are a surface-minded American politician. Aware of the notorious Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) -- the richest terrorist group in history. You know they get their funds by taxing civilians in the areas they conquer, dominating oil fields, smuggling and selling artifacts stolen from the conquered areas and so much more. You believe they steal weapons from the places they conquer while also smuggling weapons from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Eastern Europe. You are fearful because the USA is fighting ISIL along with France, Russia, the United Kingdom, several Arab nations and the Kurds. You know they are very strong and you fear they will come here and terrorize our country in retaliation -- like they did in Turkey and Paris. So you stop thinking and refuse to let anyone in. Similar to what the captain did when the Titanic was sinking -- except there is no water flooding the titanic. You want to put America first and to do that, you believe you must do this and no one around you has told you otherwise. You believe we can’t help anyone if we are in danger. You don’t want to risk America falling; the strongest nation in the world.
The world has changed. It is more about power and fear and less about love and compassion. But is this ban about Muslims? I can’t tell you that -- that's for you to decide. But I can say stupid decisions are being made by our lazy leader. Instead of finding a way to help refugees, let travelers travel, fight ISIL and protect our border, he opted out and decided leave out citizens from extremist inhabited Muslim countries -- except Saudi Arabia and Egypt -- and that is not right.
To me, It seems like he is unable to sympathize with people.
To change the world we must change our mindset. You can’t save a nation living in fear; you can only unite the nation with love and education.
Donald Trump is ignorant, but the people around him are not -- which should be a cause for concern. Remember, education can open a man’s mind but if a man uses his education to close minds -- he is a vessel for chaos. If we want to impeach Trump we have to eliminate the whole team. If not, it will only get worse.
What should we do?
Understand the man with the executive pen and learn to speak his language so we can get what we want. Maybe that is how his cabinet nominees got their bid..