My girlfriend is someone incredible. She is a very patient individual. I dragged my feet for nearly a year, and she still persisted. I am amazingly lucky to have her. She hails from the same hometown as me. For this article, I figured I would turn the spotlight on the star of my show. Here is my interview with my girlfriend.
Q) What are your thoughts on Oil City?
A) It is a small town, that is kind of dying.
Q) You were a volleyball player in high school. What lead you to the game?
A) My mother played all her life. That is where I first got a taste for the game. She played in high school and in adult leagues.
Q) What kept that passion for the game alive?
A) Well, in middle school, I got my first opportunity to play on a team. I went out for the 7th and 8th-grade team, and I was just hooked.
Q) What kept you waiting all that time that I was a foolish individual and pushed you off?
A) I don't know. I liked hanging out with you. I just really liked you. I really wanted to make it work out. I just kept telling myself that eventually it would work out if I just kept persisting.
Q) Was there ever a point in that time span that you ever wanted to give up?
A) I did give you a time table. It had been about a year, and I had told myself that if by the time you went back to school it hadn't worked out, I was going to quit trying.
Q) I would have to say that my favorite qualities about you are your eyes, smile, and personality. What are your favorite qualities about me?
A) Your eyeballs. Your singing voice. We have the same majors/degrees.
Q) What is the most embarrassing thing I have done?
A) Not dating me sooner.....No, but seriously, probably this interview. I try to be more reserved, so to have an interview about me is a little embarrassing.
Q) How did I get so lucky?
A) I ask myself that same question about you often, too.