Recently, police brutality and attacks on police officers themselves have been in the spotlight of our country. As the shootings and violence seem to be increasing, many people are throwing out ideas on a way to solve this issue. Personally, I think the best thing to do would be to reform America's police officers from what we know today.
I believe we should break up some of the duties police officers currently do, and create a new force to deal with duties like traffic stops, loitering, and noise control. This new force that would take care of these issues would be a different branch entirely, and may not need to carry a weapon on them. It is crucial to have a force separate from police officers to handle these issues, because these are the everyday situations that people interact with cops. Many people feel negatively towards police on the road, instead of safer. These negative feelings snowball into negative actions by citizens and police officers. Once a new force is created, what is left of the original police force should handle serious crimes, like murder, rape, etc. These police officers would likely carry guns for their own personal safety on the job.
I feel like a reform of this nature would change the way people interact and feel towards police officers. However, as a country, we may need to do more to end the violence. Perhaps if schools had a specific class on gun safety and their rights in regard to police, people would act out less violently in situations where they interact with police.
Some may say this solution would not would work because guns are the problem, however, I do not think it is possible to completely remove guns from police officers. In regard to crime, police officers are some of the first people on the scene of crimes. Police officers deserve to be able to protect themselves. A possible compromise would be changing the "shoot to kill" policy police currently have to shooting a limb. This would keep many innocent and perpetrators alive, which is beneficial. For innocent people, it is beneficial since they did not lose their lives over miscommunication or "being at the wrong place at the wrong time." For perpetrators, this enables police to discover details they may have never learned if the suspect was killed on the scene.
With this potential reform, the number of shootings between the police and everyday citizens could significantly drop. Something must be changed, because as the system works right now, the protests and violence will most likely only get worse.