I vividly remember a experience I had in my freshman year of college. My friends and I were sitting around a table at a local cafe, and were talking about the state of the world at the time. (For reference, the year was 2013.) That semester, I had been taking a philosophy course, and while most scoff at the idea, I find that philosophy and free thought are things that must be embraced for people to reach and obtain their perfect self, but I digress.
I brought up one of the ideas that I cherished, and while it still is an idea that will never occur in my lifetime, or ever for that matter, it still allows me to sleep at night. I put forward the the idea of "Imagine what would happen if for one week, everything stopped. No work, no school, no bureaucracy or politics. What if all the fighting stopped for a single week, and we all come together as a singular human species to make things better. Imagine what we could get done."
I remember crying on the way back to my dorm, being comforted by one of my closest friends as I did so, and I remember how, in some ways, he agreed with me.
Dear reader, I want you to take a moment to imagine just that. A week where everyone on earth simply put aside all prejudices, grudges, and hatred to work towards a better goal. To work towards making our existence, our world, a better place. Dear reader, I want you to take a moment to think of all the suffering in the world, and how we as people can make it better. All it takes is a little hope, and a lot of effort.
No solution is ever easy, and no solution comes without sacrifice. But if we all work together, as a singular whole, and not as divided peoples or nations, anything is possible.
Once more, in another article I find myself crying out for change, for people to do what is right, for people to take a look at the world through the eyes of morals and morality instead of through lenses clouded by money and time and all the other things. One person alone can make change happen, but it will take them a lifetime. But if millions of people work together, then anything is possible, anything can happen.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that, we can't give up hope. Even with all of the negative events that are happening. We can't be distracted by that, we can't let the negativity convince us that nothing can be done. Giving up without a fight is worse than giving up while fighting. If people come together and work together we can make the world better for our the coming generations. But before that happens, we need a little hope, and little cooperation, and a spark. The world can be a better place, let's do our best to see it happen.