Dear Santa,
You’ve always been there for me when I dreamed of the most impossible things to appear that Christmas morning. One year it was a doll, the next it was a typewriter, and who could ever forget the little brown bunny named Cricket?
But I’m a little older now than I was when I sat holding a little fuzzy rabbit. I’m in college, and material things start to dissolve a little bit. I spend most of my money on Panera and coffee, and the only toy I really own is the phone glued to my palm. Most of the time I’m wearing over-sized stained sweatshirts, and what I spent the most on all year was a plethora of textbooks. So, you could say things are a bit different this time around.
So here it goes. Dear Santa. What I want for Christmas is…..
1. For my GPA not to define me and my worth.
2. A warm cup of coffee, and someone to laugh over it with.
3. To finish a chapter of a book without once looking at my phone.
4. For a heartbreak to heal.
5. To walk down the street in my best outfit and not feel disgusting because I was cat-called.
6. To feel completely genuinely selfless and make someone feel whole.
7. To eat an entire burrito and not feel guilty after.
8. To go to the gym because I want to be fit, not because I hate my body.
9. To talk to someone who I lost.
10. To take a picture, print it out, and keep it just for me. Not for Instagram likes.
11. For my hair not to hurt my head after hours of wearing it in a bun.
12. To remember that one thing I thought I forgot forever.
13. To be around true friends and family.
14. To not hear “Do I look fat in this?” ever again.
15. To forgive the people who hurt me, and be forgiven for hurting others.
16. Comfy ugly sweaters because really, who cares?
17. For everyone to just be in peace together for at least one day.
18. To walk across a room and not feel self conscious that everyone is staring.
19. To be able to sing crazily out loud and not care who hears.
20. To hear “I love you” from the ones who matter most.