I just recently got back from a trip of a lifetime, I headed to Europe to visit some family and friends for the holidays and I couldn't have a better time. While I was on this trip I met many strangers over the two weeks I was there and there were two complete strangers that really stuck with me.
While I was in Berlin, Germany traveling solo and learning the history I bumped into two girls from Hawaii. They were definitely some people I never expected to get close to. These girls had been traveling for their winter break as well and they've been all over just as I had done. I was open for all new experiences and new opportunities. And these girls really helped me understand that traveling is an amazing experience that I shouldn't take for granted. I also realized that meeting new people isn't as scary as most people make it out to be. Yes, I've made friends going to University and working new places, but going to a different country where I don't know anyone it really put things into perspective.
These two girls helped me realize to take risks and to try new things, that I could have fun and do things that I didn't think was possible. I was a whole new person when I was there, nobody knew me and I could become the me I wanted to be. It was very eye opening and helped me put things in perspective. That I was so fortunate to come to Europe and travel around to many different countries that I never thought was possible. Many people would do so much to see what I've seen and I couldn't be more grateful. I also learned a lot of things about the American culture while talking to them and to some pretty cool Australians that we met at the hostel we were staying at. I learned how different cultures can be and how a lot of other countries view the US. These two girls helped me connect with our understanding of the United States and helped me realize that we're all so different. Many people don't get the chance to travel and see other cultures and experience different things and it's outstanding on how much of a culture shock that it can give you. Not everyone has a small simple mind and thinks so narrowly, and others have a more open view on things. And that's something many people need to realize, that there are so many different types of people out there that you wouldn't believe. It was such an experience to learn from.
These girls helped me open my eyes to how different our lives are lived and it really put things into perspective. So if you get the chance to travel or to even meet someone new, to do it. There's nothing holding you back and you never know what possibilities are possible with the right people.