What is life? This is one of the most pressing unanswered questions that has plagued humans from the beginning of our existence. Though it has gotten easier to think about as time goes on and humans have evolved, it is still a mystery.
The fact that there are so many theories and ologies to why and how we are here, is astounding. Each of them so different than the other. We are all birthed into this world with some type of consciousness, and from that point, we grow until we die.
It's fascinating to think about, to me at least, because it is such a foundational part of life. Anyone could sit and think about it for days, and they could end up in the same space they started.
One day, I was talking to a friend and she brought to my attention an idea that sparked my curiosity. She had read a book that said that we are all spiritual beings living a human experience. Basically saying, we are only here for a short while to experience this human way of life. Later, we go back to whatever consciousness it is in our spiritual state when we die.
I'm not sure why this idea stuck with me, but it feels right to me. We all experience a wide range of feelings and emotions. We all go through things, whether it be bad or good. When we have good experiences, we savor them. I'm sure we'd all love to stay in positive situations if we could.
That's not how life goes, though. We also have negative experiences. When we go through these, we can't wait to come out on the other side. We long for the good days. What we don't always realize, though, is the fact that we continue to make it through the tough times. We have to persevere, and we learn about ourselves and the world around us as time goes on.
Sometimes, it's not even a negative experience we have to move through. It could just be the fact that you have to wake up for your class at eight in the morning. You might not want to get up, but at the same time, you know that you have to tough it out because you're working towards something.
You just had a rough breakup? You're being taught how to be strong for yourself and understand your feelings so you can try to avoid that situation next time around.
You're at your nine to five, and it's just hitting the two o'clock hour and you're ready to be done for the day. You hit the point where you just need to take a nap. Get up and take a walk! Go pick up a cup of coffee or an energy shot. Whatever you need to keep yourself motivated and productive.
I may not know all things, but what I do know, as cliché as it sounds, we're for a good time, not a long time. So, if we truly are spiritual beings having a human experience, I'd be satisfied knowing that I participated in hopefully making this world a better place for the next generations. If there is no afterlife, if every religion, theory, and ology is correct, or if none of them are correct, that's fine, too!
This experience is yours. You are an experience. Life is an experience.