"What are you going to do with your life?"
We hear those dreaded nine words from our co-workers, our parents, our grandparents, the check out lady at the grocery store when she sees you wearing your college sweatshirt. It's just as often that you feel put on the spot and not sure how to answer, so you make up a white lie that you think will satisfy them and then shuffle you way to the safety of your bed.
Let me ask you a question though. What's so wrong about being undecided? The answer is nothing. There is absolutely nothing wrong about wanting to explore your options whether it be your college career or even your personal life. Undecided means that you have so many ideas that could be great and you can't commit to just experiencing one thing just yet. Undecided means that your heart hasn't been completely stolen yet.
Don't settle. Don't let that one question dictate your future because you are too afraid to admit that you have absolutely no idea what you want to do, what you want to study, or where you want life to take you. Don't be afraid to tell your parent's that you'd much rather explore your options through your gen eds than settle into one major, only to have it be two semesters later and you've switched to an entirely different field.
Don't be afraid to tell someone that you have no idea what you want to be when you grow up and that you're perfectly fine with that. We are humans. We are programmed by nature to constantly be undecided. What clothes to wear in the morning? To go to the gym or to sleep in? To go to class or skip the lecture and potentially miss information that will be on my midterm? To go out with coworkers after work or go home and be a crazy cat lady? All of these things have a positive and negative, and still we are constantly fighting with ourselves. And that's okay.
Why? The answer is simple. You are figuring yourself out by being yourself. By being independent and by taking your own path without someone constantly looming over your shoulder, nagging you with that nine worded question.
Go experience life through your own set of open eyes. Travel the world, write that short story that you're afraid someone will laugh at. Go do a karaoke night and sing like you do when you're in the shower. Take cooking classes (because we all know you can't live off ramen and bread for the rest of your life) or turn off your phone for a night and just live disconnected from social media. I know that last one is super hard, but believe me, you have no idea how much of yourself you come to terms with when you just sit in silence like a creeper.
Then, the next time someone asks you that nine worded question, look them in the eyes and tell them "You know what, I'm undecided. I'd much rather figure myself out and find that one thing that steals my heart first." Avoid the guilt of lying to someone, and embrace the fact that you're exploring your options and taking life by the horns.
Be you. Be true.
Most importantly, have fun. The reality is, you only have this experience once. Do you really want to look back and say you never had the guts to be brave and live without regrets? I'm not by any means promoting bad behavior, but I am one hundred percent promoting you. I'm one hundred and ten percent hoping that you are reading this and thinking "Someone actually understands me."
I am promoting (and secretly hoping that there is) at least one positive thing you want to do for yourself that you've been terrified to do because you don't want the judgmental commentary. .
Forget about being undecided. Instead, go be yourself. More importantly, go figure yourself out and know that at least one stranger is cheering you on from afar.
Don't let me down.