This year has been a big one for you. 2015 has been a roller coaster with multiple 360-degree loops and 90-degree drops. Don’t worry, this ride is almost over, and 2016 will be a whole new one.
You’re changing, you’ve become a different person from what you were and you’re finally starting to grow up. I’m so proud of you. Please remember that even though it’s hard, it’s always for the better. Look at how far you’ve come, you should be proud of yourself. You have new goals for yourself now, goals that were set to make youhappy. You no longer feel the need to do something to meet another’s standards because there is no one more important to please than yourself. You finally realized this, and look at how much of a relief it is. Your anxiety has improved, you smile more, you laugh and you can meet your own reflection without the need to hide. Congratulations, you survived another year. Here are some things to keep in mind for the year to come.
Continue to grow. Remember to be open to whatever the universe throws at you. Opportunity will only present itself when the time is right. Be prepared and poised so that when your time comes, you can run with it. Work hard, but don’t be a martyr. That’ll bite you in the butt in the long run. Be generous with your talents, your kindness and your words. Be vulnerable, honest with yourself and others, and don’t be afraid to cry everyday if you want to. Never feel the need to explain yourself. Laugh twice as much as you did last year because even if you want to deny it, a smile will always make you feel more at peace.
Please don’t be afraid to ask for help. I know you’ve never been good at it, but that’s what your loved ones are there for. Never lie about how you feel, or what you want, or what you need. We are all human. We all need each other as much as we need the solace and comfort of ourselves. Go with your instinct, even if it comes out all wrong. It seems impossible sometimes, but try to stop worrying about what other people are thinking or saying about you. Stop worrying about what you think they are thinking and saying because you will never really know for sure, and it’s none of your concern anyway. Remember that you will never be able to please everyone, so just focus on bettering yourself.
Keep in mind that you can’t measure everyone by the same ruler. You will live your whole life surrounded by some people you will never fully know and never understand. It is not your job to decide if the way they live their life is correct or not. There is so much to learn about everyone you meet. Put down the ruler, and start talkingto them instead of about them. Take time to listen and hear the stories that people tell you everyday. Learn as much as you can from them. Respond with empathy and listen for the silent cries of a person who is hurting. It isn’t your job to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, but it is always wise to take time to lend a helping hand. Think of everyone that’s helped you this year; take time to reach out to them next.
Experience is the best teacher, so learn something new everyday. Fall in love with something everyday. Try to love a person, or a place, or an idea with everything you have. It’s okay if you haven’t met the person, visited the place, or thought of the idea yet. The time will come, and you will be ready to reach out a welcoming hand. It’s okay if you can’t make up your mind about anything. It’s okay if you’re scared of the future. Breathe, and remember that you are a work in progress. All your life you will be a glorious work of progress and your only responsibility is to grow. If it doesn’t work out, then that’s even better because you will have one more mistake to learn from. Don’t be embarrassed. Be empowered by the fact that you tried and that you are growing. Be a sponge, and take in as much as you can. Hold the mistakes and the successes close to your heart, and don’t be afraid of the person they have shaped you to become.
Keep smiling at strangers in the street. Make eye contact when you speak to people. There are people who want to know you. They want to love you, and help you. Give people the chance to hurt you and tear you into a million little pieces. Give people the chance to make you laugh and sing, and help you glue those million pieces back together. But don’t wait for someone to fix you. It’s okay to ask for help, but you need to rely on yourself to fill the hole in your heart. When the time comes and you are ready to heal, it’s your job to figure out how to do that. Maybe it will take time. Maybe all it will take is a bubble bath and a long walk. I don’t know. I haven’t figured that part out yet, but I know I will be keep searching for the answers. And I will let you know. Be okay with the highest highs and the lowest lows. Be open to everything. Try to feel as much as you can and do as much as you can, and never regret anything.
Get out of your head and into your body. Love your body. Be kind to your body. It is the only one you get, and it is your best friend. Read a really good book. Read all night until your eyes beg for sleep. Then watch the sunrise, and think about the world you just became a part of, even if only for a few hours. Repeat as often as you want. It’s okay to be impractical. Sleep when you need to. Don’t be afraid of saying no. Push the limits. Test the rules. Make up some rules of your own, and then break them anyway. Don’t apologize for the person you are, the person you were, or the person you are going to be. They are all the same person, and you should love yourself to bits. And anyone who doesn’t love you to bits is missing out. That isn’t your fault, nor is it your problem.
Love yourself without question, and enjoy the rollercoaster that 2016 brings.