Every day, as a college student, you go through multiple steps to help get you through your day. Whether it be trying to get to class on time, rushing to find a seat in your dining hall , or simply avoiding sleeping through your alarm. Luckily for us, Disney has made so many movies that we can connect with. Here is an average Friday in college as told by Disney characters.
Step 1. Wake up.
Step 2. Avoid your alarm and get 5 more precious minutes of sleep.
Step 3. Hit snooze so many times on your alarm clock that your roommate has to wake you up.
Step 4. Put on any clean clothing you can find.
Step 5. Forget looking nice, just brush your teeth because thats all you have time to do
Step 6. Realize you're now going to be late and book it to class.
Step 7. Rollup to class late, and try not to draw attention to yourself. Then fail miserably.
Step 8. Get super embarrased that you just fell in front of the whole class.
Step 9. Spend the rest of the class looking like this:
Step 10. Do anything to speed up the day.
Step 11. Get an extremely unhelathy lunch at your dining commons
Step 12. Classes are finally over for the day!
Step 13. Attempt to be athletic for the day.
Step 14. Try to study without getting distracted by the people around you
Step 15. Your friends will convince you to stop studying and come out
Step 16. Eat anything to get food in your stomach in preparation for tonight.
17. Start getting ready
Step 18. somehow transform your ratchet a** into looking good for the night
Step 19. Show up to the pregame like
Step 20. Start drinking!
Step 21. A little while later, this is you
Step 22. One last final check before you're good to go out
Step 23. Roll up to the frat with your girls like.
Step 24. And the party begins.
Step 25. Try your hardest not to fall off an elevated surface.
Step 26. Then try to avoid all the sweaty frat guys surrounding you.
Step 27. After avoiding the guys for as long as you can, you finally find one that meets your "standards".
Step 28. Help out your drunk friends. Because they're bound to yak.
29. The night is over, and you leave the frat looking something like this:
30. Even though you all swore not to do it, you and your friends get back to the room NEED food.
31. Start watching everyone's snap stories
32. Realize you sent the worst text message to the guy you love and have only talked to once.
33. It's ok though, cause he sends you a semi-cute-ish message back. (Basically he just responds so you're happy.)
34. The day is over and you realize you get to daylong in the morning!
35. Now you can finally go to bed!
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