You should probably quit promoting this aspect of conservativism which pushes you to hold on to negative outcomes from the past. It is dangerously true that those who tend to relocate the wrongdoings accomplished by or occurred to someone may be making an everlasting enemy. For instance, most of the times, it is very healthy for people to be in a condition of happiness. The day one finds oneself dealing with a bad experience from the past, it is likely that their production of cortisol in the body increases, which will result in high stress, feeling of disappointment, and mostly for some people with a low brain capacity, it leads what you don’t want to hear: suicide.
I will try to flatter whoever you are who often takes pride in promoting or sharing the wrongdoings instead of the positive deeds someone accomplished in the past, to think about putting a full stop to your tantrum. I call this activity, a tantrum, because when the reminder, the promotion, or the sharing of low moments from the past does not have an impact on the real society, when it has only a noisy effects on a group of people, when it only satisfies your own greed for gossiping, when it only affects the victim’s rename without impacting his or her mindset, or when it reflects a division between two persons instead of a union (…), you should probably consider putting a full stop.
It is true that sometimes sharing the wrongdoings that occurred in the society in the past can be fructuous when it contributes to a change in the inner causes or ways of thinking by the victims. However, when your greed to share the low moments that someone lived intends mostly disparage their moral strength or ridicules their true character, it is a shame to yourself, and a regressive step toward positivism for humankind.
In these statements above, I have no personal intentions to belittle anyone neither to defend a personal confrontation. My intention is to rectify a behavior tantrum that I judge to be less progressive for the society. I say “the society” because when one individual is experiencing a low moment, the impacts can go further than expected. Spread love and compassion towards one another. Use dialog and understandability before vilifying the reputation of someone of something. Activism can have strong positive impacts on the society only to the extent it leads to a “positive change” instead of simply letting someone or a group of people “feeling down”. Borrowing a quote from one of my previous writings, “the more you tend to seek peace by sharing violence or global hostility instead of engaging in positive and creative dialogue with their author to find common ground and solution, the further away you’re moving from it”. So, please, redefine your activism: when it does not heal any wound, it only inflicts more pain. So, it’s time to rethink and redefine the motivation behind your activism.