Let me begin by saying thank you. Thank you so much for being my rocks when I need it. Thank you for always being my biggest supporters and encouraging me to follow my dreams. Thank you for forgiving me when I am not at my best and helping me learn from my mistakes. Thank you for always being there to make me push myself to be better. Thank you for funding me previously (and now)...it is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all that you do. I know I would not be where I am now without the two of you.
I know that we don't always get along and we have our moments, but those rare times make up some of the best times to look back on and laugh about. Just know that through anything and everything, no matter how much we get on each other's nerves, I'm still just your little girl.
Don't think for a minute that I don't miss being with you while I'm at school; I mean, why do you think I call you just about every day? I know you like having an extra room available in the house, but I know you miss me too!
Thank you for funding me all these years, and occasionally on the side. Thank you for coming and bringing me out to dinner, or buying me groceries and shopping. Being a college student, it is greatly appreciated and so nice to see you!
Thank you for being my biggest supporters. Every sporting event of mine that you came to, every play, award ceremony, speech and school event did not go unnoticed. Thank you for calming me down when I call you upset over school and telling me that I can make it through. I know that no matter what obstacle I face in life, I will be prepared because I have parents who have shaped me into the person I am today.
Thank you for listening to all of my life problems. I know that I complain about school or work, but thank you for giving me the best advice and constructive criticism. Without you, I don't know how I would be surviving through tough times.
I know that I might not show it as much as I should, but thank you for all that you do. None of it goes unnoticed or unappreciated, because, without the two of you, I would be lost in this jumble we call life.
Thank you for being you. Even though I may think you're a little wacky and at times challenging, I have, hands down, the best parents God could have created. You keep me on my toes and are always caring and kind. Thank you for being the best people to be raised by.
Thank you for being my crazy parents, I wouldn't trade you for the world. I love you forever and ever.