You are my idol, my inspiration, and so much more. You taught me everything I know and I wouldn’t be the mature young woman I am today without your leading the way.
I am so proud to call you my mom. You taught me how to laugh at myself and be the butt of the joke sometimes because smiles and laughs are the backbone of the happy family you’ve created and held for us. You’re so strong and I hope to match up to your bravery when I grow up. You know everything about me, I’ve never had to keep any secrets from you because you love me unconditionally and no matter what I told you I was never afraid of your reaction. I am so lucky to have the relationship with you that I do.
Thank you for letting my friends come and go through our house as they please, always giving your genuine opinions of them, and loving the good ones as your own. Thanks for buying me sushi for when I get home or always bringing me back a bread roll when you go to Bertucci's for lunch.
Thank you for calling me just to talk to me, even though you may not necessarily have anything to say. When I call you to vent and scream about whatever stupid drama I’m upset about thanks for always listening, and telling me when I was in the wrong and being the kind of mother that doesn't let me grow up believing I’m always right, because no one ever is.
I fight with you more frequently than anyone else I’ve ever met, but you’re my mum and I love you regardless of how easily we argue. No matter what I may say in the middle of a fight, I am proud to be the spitting image of you, and I hope I make you proud.
You’ve always applauded me for being independent- even though I only am this way because you raised me to be capable of it.
You always wanted to be involved in my life and I hope one day I can be as incredible of a mother to my children as you are to me. I never tell you enough how much I love you and how truly grateful I am to have such an incredible mum.
Never forget that all I am and all that I will become I can thank you for.
Lots of love from your loving daughter