A Letter Of Appreciation To Dunkin' Donuts | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter Of Appreciation To Dunkin' Donuts

A tribute to the company that keeps me running.

A Letter Of Appreciation To Dunkin' Donuts
Colin Young-Wolff

Dear Dunkin' Donuts,

I feel that my day is not complete without a visit to one of your stores. I always come in for a coffee (may I have a large iced caramel swirl with cream and melted sugar, please?) and I often get myself a donut or a breakfast sandwich while I am at it.

I happen to be from Quincy, Massachusetts, where your original store is. As I'm sure you know, this store was renovated about four years ago to look similar to the way it did on the outside when it first opened in 1950. There are also so many of your locations in the city that I don't even know the exact number. So it's no surprise that I run on Dunkin'.

When I stop and think about it, I realize that there are so many reasons to appreciate you.

I want to thank you for operating for almost the whole day. It's good that I can come in at five in the morning (or even earlier at some stores) right when my day is getting started or at nine at night before I get ready to go to bed and you prepare to close (wish me luck trying to get to sleep).

I am grateful for your employees. Many of them ask what they can get for me with a smile, which I love. Enthusiasm is a plus. Without them, you would not be possible.

I like how there is always something new. Whether it is a new coffee flavor (please bring back Oreo), donut, or sandwich, I know I don't have to leave the store with the same order every time. I especially enjoy the seasonal items, such as the Baskin-Robbins ice cream flavors, pumpkin donuts, and the green and red Christmas cups that say "joy" on them.

You are one of the few companies I know of where I can get a sausage, egg, and cheese on an everything bagel (not toasted please!) whenever I want. I am glad that I can have #breakfastwhenevs with you because I do have those days where I don't feel like having lunch or dinner food.

Without your mobile app, I would not be saving money. Let's face it, I can never go wrong with my daily dose of coffee, but paying around $2.50 for a cup every day would hurt my bank account. I appreciate how you take this into consideration by offering your DD perks rewards and monthly deals.

What I want to give thanks for the most is the DD commitment. It goes to show that you truly care about your customers. I know your employees aren't always going to be perfect with my coffee, and that's okay. As long as you remake it if need be, you will never lose me as a customer. I promise.

Thank you, Dunkin' Donuts, for always getting me running and keeping me running. See you tomorrow!


A loyal customer

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