Duolingo is an app that teaches you another language free of charge. Created in November of 2011, it is available for Apple and Android products. Duolingo offers 68 different language courses across 23 languages (and 22 additional courses are in development). Many of the courses offered include: Spanish, English, Ukrainian, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Irish, Danish, Turkish, Hebrew, Greek, Swahili, Korean, Hindi, and much more. I highly suggest getting this app if you’re interested in learning other languages.
One of the many great things about Duolingo is that you can learn as much, or as little, as you would like on your own time. When choosing the course(s) you’d like to learn, you also set a daily goal for yourself. These goals range from five to 30 minutes a day. The goal you select is the amount of time per day you are going to devote to getting on Duolingo and practicing your language(s). You are able to take more than one course at a time. I am currently taking Spanish and Ukrainian. If you are already somewhat familiar with the language, you can take a placement test before beginning the course to find out where you should start learning. Or if you know nothing about the language, you start with the very basics. Either way, you learn the language quickly and effectively using Duolingo.
Duolingo keeps up with your daily streaks and how much time you spend on the app learning per day (your XP). If you miss a day, you lose your streak and you will have to practice some sections more, as you lost some of the skill earned in those sections. You also have your Duolingo health. There are five health bars, and you can lose them by getting a question wrong during your practice time. When you lose all five health bars, you have to wait until they recharge to be able to start learning again. This normally takes about 24 hours to complete. Duolingo does this to make sure that you are getting the most out of your language-learning experience.
Universities and grade schools are starting to use Duolingo as their language-learning curriculum. A study at the City University of New York has shown that Duolingo really works. It is easy, fun, and definitely worth the time and effort put into learning another language. With Duolingo, you get to use your full potential.
Duolingo personalizes your language-learning education and has shown great results. Best of all, it truly is completely free! I highly suggest Duolingo to anyone who has any interest at all in learning another language, or two, or three. It is super fun and really works. Try it, and if you don’t love or enjoy it, then delete the app, but I suggest trying it. It really is a great way to learn another language.