Dear mom,
I know you want me to be fully independent and on my own by now, and I am sorry for not being able to do so. I’m working on it though. I know it can be frustrating that I still need your help at times. I try to rely on you as little as possible and try to show you I love you as much as I can, such as making sure anything I need from you works within your schedule. I also try to keep my sister’s errands and mine as separate as possible. Heck, if I had my way everything would be auto paid as much as possible. I tried setting up auto pay with the landlord that way, but they don’t do that here.
I’m sorry I can’t just let go like some kids can from their parents when they become adults, but I value my family and want to spend as much time with all of you while I still can. I want to make as many memories as I can while I can. I know it gets in the way of your plans at times, and I am sorry for that as well.
I know I didn’t turn out like you expected despite the brain power I have, and I am sorry. I just live and breathe the streets, and I hope to one day translate that to the page. Right now, I am working on getting all the family history down that I can and hopefully you will help me with that.
I’m sorry to throw another project on you so soon after you are moving, but Aedan is getting older. And when I get to see him again, I want to have as much info as I can give him on the family as possible. And no this won’t be the last you hear of this project either. It will probably be in the letter I write to you around Mother’s Day.
I will keep writing you, mom, and explaining things until the day I die, probably even after you and dad are gone. I’ll probably get a notice one day that says your email is full. Then I will have to figure out something else when it comes to talking to you. Written word was always my best form, which you know from all the arguments we have had. And, I am sorry for those too.
We both know it comes from us being so similar and stubborn. You just raised me to stand my ground against everyone. You did a good job of that, too. And I do hope you know I appreciate all the help you give me. I know I am far from perfect, but I am trying to get better even as it seems to take forever.
I will get there eventually though; I promise you. And yes, you will hear more about this as well. But I have enjoyed our open talks. It has helped me a lot. I hope this finds you well, and you can forgive me. I love you, mom.
Love your son,
Christopher Charles Bartlett