So often I see people in the generations before mine talk about how "selfish" and "privileged" people in my generation are. They say we do not know what we are doing. That we will "ruin this country."
Newsflash: Look who raised us!
Now, I'm not trying to justify every bad decision made by someone in my generation by saying it's their parents fault. People are responsible for their own actions. However, some of the small actions that generations before mine ever so graciously like to cram down the throats of people in my generation can be traced back to the fact that they were raised protected.
In the last 50 years, this country has constantly been at conflict, and that conflict has contributed greatly to the overall psychology of our society. Wars. Political scandals. Attacks on American soil. It's understandable as to why parents would want to keep their children from the evils of the outside world. This world sucks.
By hoarding up your children in little bubbles, you created some pretty awful kids. Kids that are pretty "selfish" and "entitled." Guess what? That's your fault. Do not try to stamp me, and members of my generation like me as "entitled" just because you raised a little brat. Do not make a hasty generalization about me, and other people in my generation just because your little piss-ant of a kid and their friends are the way they are.
My generation has a lot of unclear instructions. We are told to change the world, but not in that way or this way. We are told to take charge, but also to sit down because "the adults are talking." We are told to go to college, get a job, and raise a family, but yet have no money to go to college, are met with a decreasing job market, and with no job and education are still expected to have a family. And that's all before the ripe age of 25.
I vote no to that. My generation, when we try to do things our way, are told that we are wrong. We are told that we are uneducated. When we attempt to take control we are told, once again, that we are "entitled."
The problems of this world did not get here on their own. They are here as a result of decisions made by the generations before us. Decisions that were made with no thought about what would happen in the long run. Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? Taxes? Race relations? Job decreases? Economic gap? People dead from war? Yeah. That's not on us. We did not make the decisions that resulted in what we have now. Yet we are expected to clean it all up, all while being put under a microscope for every little thing we do. So excuse me (or don't) as a say that my generation is not entitled, we are just pissed off!