It’s always interesting to learn words in an unfamiliar language. Amazingly, there are many words that exist and don’t have any immediate or direct translation to English. They describe very unique experiences and it’s all very interesting.
The definition of "Saudade" is:
I first learned of the Portuguese word, "Saudade” last year at this time, when saying, "Goodbye" to some Brazilian international student friends- all of whom I had recently become close with that semester. First, I understood it as a stronger version of "I’ll miss you”; perhaps, “I feel a void without you now," but it means so much more and can’t be directly translated to English. One can experience saudade for a loved one who is alive but far away or even who has passed on. Even though it may seem like it, saudade doesn’t even translate to, "Nostalgia" which according to is, “A wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time.” It is definitely more than remembering and more than just simply missing. I’ve even been told that saudade can lead to a physical pain in the chest due to the intensity of the experience.
Saying "Goodbye" to old or new friends is always difficult especially, indefinitely. The anxiety that eats at your emotions before you actually say, "Goodbye” is just as plaguing because you know that the more difficult times of change and longing are imminent.
Now that it’s spring time again, as I walk throughout the campus I feel like everything looks almost identical to last spring. However, something is missing -or some people are missing. I have this faint feeling that I should see some familiar faces in passing between classes but I know those faces are overseas. I feel like I should be doing certain fun activities like jam sessions and open mics and sharing meals together, but the people I did them with wouldn’t be here to join. The spring sun shining, the ever-chilling and abrasive wind blowing, the anxious energy of summer-hungry students cranking out final assignments. Everything is as it should be this time of year except for the people missing. Floating in nostalgia, visiting memories that are void of the people they revolve around, somehow I think I can sum this up as “Saudade.” This word may not be very familiar to everyone but the experience surely is. I think anyone with friends or family who live far away can definitely relate.