Dear Soon-To-Be Roommates,
I love you guys. You're each awesome and special in your own ways, and I know we're going to have a blast living together. I can't wait for those late night food runs and those Friday night pizza nights. That being said, I just wanted to apologize before we move in together. Why? Because I probably won't remember to say 'sorry' to you enough times. So, without further ado, let me get to apologizing!
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I apologize for all times I'll probably yell at you to be quiet while I'm watching one of my thousand TV shows.
I apologize for yelling at you when you wake me up from a nap that I shouldn't be taking (you guys are good friends and I'll thank you later).
I apologize for getting annoyed when you ask for help with anything. Like the dishes... we know this will happen.
I apologize for getting annoyed when you can't eat when I do so I have to eat alone or make something myself.
I apologize for all the times I'm going to want you and force you to do my hair.
I apologize for breaking out in songs that you hate or get tired of hearing me sing.
I apologize for the possibility of me changing the temperature behind your backs.
I apologize for my shedding and (most likely) not vacuuming it. I've lived with this long hair problem forever. I've gotten used to it so I guess it's time you do too.
I apologize for complaining about things.
I guess I could go on and on with this list, but I'll stop there. You guys know me more than I know myself, so I'm pretty certain you'd even be able to come up with even more things to put on this list than I could. I'm so excited to finally live with more than one human being this school year. We're going to have so many fun adventures, and for once I'm actually excited to get back to school. You guys make my life more colorful. Only a couple more weeks until we reunite!
Your future roommate.