What is a "spoiled rich white girl?" Society has made girls out to be easily underestimated just by what we wear or what we are interested in. It could be just as hurtful as being called "fat" or "ugly." Judgemental comments can hurt. One particular insult that I feel lingers in this generation whether it's face to face, or over the social media is "spoiled rich white girl" or "basic white girl"
According to Urban Dictionary:
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A female who conforms to her surroundings and claims she is unique. She often drinks Starbucks, wears Ugg boots in August, and posts selfies on social networking sites every. single. day. Also uses hashtags that don't have anything to do with the picture itself.
Girl 1: Hey, let's go to Starbucks and wear leggings with Uggs!
Girl 2: OMG YES. We are so basic!
Girl 1: Take a picture! Hashtag yay us, basic white girls, Starbucks, bye, like, what
The comment can be taken the wrong way as to racism to say the least, but many interpret "basic white girl" as urban dictionary stated. Everyone can interpret "Spoiled basic white girl" differently. The reason why I've heard people call it to me personally, is the way I dress. Which is of course, preppy.
I am writing this because of my love for the preppy lifestyle. I am proud to call myself preppy and love the fact that I do indeed live the lifestyle. Preppy style is characterized by Northeastern preparatory school style, and is sold in stores like Ralph Lauren, L.L. Bean, Patagonia, Tommy Hilfiger, Southern Tide, Brooks Brothers, Lilly Pulitzer, Lacoste, Smathers & Branson, and Vineyard Vines (to name a few). It’s most often associated with Ivy Leagues, boarding schools, high-end private schools, wealth and white people.
Preppy brands also tend to have a story behind them. For instance, Shep and Ian, two brothers who created Vineyard Vines from the back of their SUV, unemployed and desperate. They had no business plans, they had no strategy but their handwork and creative minds launched their company as one of the best-selling preppiest brands. If you look up the meaning behind different preppy brands, some of them even donating proceeds for different charities, you will want to buy the product ten times more.
Not only do I love the way the preppy lifestyle looks, it also makes me feel good. Nothing is better than feeling great and confident. Some people feel great and confident after working out, some people feel confident after putting on makeup, but for me, I feel my best living the preppy lifestyle and wearing my preppy wardrobe.
My favorite places are Narragansett, Newport, and Martha's Vineyard, the signature places of how the preppy lifestyle originated. Why wouldn't I love wearing brands that remind me of my happy place? I am more than proud as defining myself as preppy.
So call me "basic" or "spoiled rich girl." I feel like preppy is the most unique style there is. Even though I am none of those things, it won't even for a second phase me.