What Does Your Jungian Personality Type Say About You? | The Odyssey Online
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What Does Your Jungian Personality Type Say About You?

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What Does Your Jungian Personality Type Say About You?

For those of you that are unfamiliar with Carl Jung's theory on personality types, it is the theory that people have four basic psychological functions through with they interact with and experience the world. The Myers-Briggs Typology Indicator (or MBTI) expands of this theory, taking into account an individual's preferences for dealing with / relating to people, making decisions, processing information, and organizing their own life that when combined, creates their personality type.

If you already know your type, great! Scroll down to read more about what that says about you. If you don't know your type, or it's been awhile since you took Intro to Psych, click HERE or HERE to find out what it is.

What the letters mean:

There are 16 distinct types that result from the four different preferences:

Favorite World: Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I)
Information: Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
Decisions: Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
Structure: Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

An in-depth explanation of each letter's implication.

The 16 Jungian / Myers-Briggs Personality Types, described.


Extroverted - Sensing - Thinking - Judging

ESTJ Traits:

Natural leaders; Value tradition; Loyal; Hard-working and dependable; Athletic and wholesome; Have a clear set of standards and beliefs that they live by; No patience with incompetence or inefficiency; Excellent organizational abilities; Enjoy creating order and structure; Very thorough; Will follow projects through to completion; Straight-forward and honest; Driven to fulfill their duties

Possibile ESTJ Careers:

Military Leader, Business Administrator, Manager, Athlete, Police Officer, Detective, Judge, Financial Officer, Teacher, Coach

Famous ESTJs:

Alan Dershowitz, Alec Baldwin, Andrew Jackson, Ann Coulter, Bernard Montgomery, Bette Davis, Bill O’Reilly, Billy Graham, Condoleezza Rice, Dr. Phil, E.L. James, Elliot Ness, Emma Watson, George W. Bush, Grover Cleveland, Henry Ford, Ivanka Trump, James Monroe, John D. Rockefeller, Judge Judy, Lucy Liu, Lyndon B. Johnson, Martha Stewart, Michelle Obama, Nancy Grace, Robert A. Taft, Roger Ebert, Saddam Hussein, Tom Clancy, Uma Thurman


Extroverted - Sensing - Thinking - Perceiving

ESTP Traits:

Action-oriented; Live in the present moment; Dislike abstract theory without practical application; Like to see immediate results for their efforts; Fast-paced and energetic; Flexible and adaptable; Resourceful; Seldom work from a plan - make things up as they go; Fun to be around; Highly observant; Excellent memory for details; Great people skills; Good-natured; Ability to see an immediate problem and quickly devise a solution; Adventurous; May be flashy or showy; Like initiating things - not necessarily following them through to completion

Possibile ESTP Careers:

Facilitator, Sales Representatives, Marketing Personnel, Police / Detective Work, Paramedic / Emergency Medical Technician, PC Technicians or Network Cablers, Computer Technical Support, Entrepreneurs, Athlete

Famous ESTPs:

Al Capone, Alexander the Great, Alfred Hitchcock, Amy Winehouse, Andrew Jackson, Angelina Jolie, Anna Wintour, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis, Dale Carnegie, David Cameron, Donald Trump, Eddie Murphy, Ernest Hemingway, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George W. Bush, Glenn Beck, Glenn Close, Helen Mirren, Jack Nicholson, James Buchanan, James Deen, Kevin Spacey, Lucille Ball, Lyndon B. Johnson, Madonna, Malcolm X, Meryl Streep, Michael J. Fox, Mila Kunis, Milla Jovovich, Roy Rogers, Ryan Seacrest, Taylor Swift, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill


Extroverted - Intuitive - Thinking - Judging

ENTJ Traits:

Driven to turn theories into plans; Highly value knowledge; Future-oriented; Natural leaders; Impatient with inefficiency and incompetence; Want things structured and orderly; Excellent verbal communication skills; Dislike routine, detail-oriented tasks; Self-confident; Decisive

Possibile ENTJ Careers:

Business Executive, Organization Builder, Entrepreneur, Computer Consultant, Lawyer, Judge, Business Administrator, Business Manager, University Professor

Famous ENTJs:

Adele, Adolf Hitler, Al Gore, Alexander Hamilton, Aristotle, Bill Gates, Carl Sagan, Charlize Theron, David Letterman, Dick Cheney, Donald Trump, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Clooney, Hannibal, Harrison Ford, Hillary Clinton, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, Joseph Stalin, Julius Caesar, Madeleine Albright, Margaret Thatcher, Matt Damon, Nancy Pelosi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Newt Gingrich, Oskar Schindler, Richard Nixon, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Connery, Sigourney Weaver, Simon Cowell, Steve Jobs, Steve Martin, Vladimir Putin, Warren Buffett, Whoopi Goldberg, Winston Churchill


Extroverted - Intuitive - Thinking - Perceiving

ENTP Traits:

Interested in people; Project-oriented; Enjoy generating ideas and theories; Creative and ingenius; Bright and capable; Flexible and Diverse; Excellent communication skill; Enjoy debating issues with other people; Excellent people skills; Natural leaders, but do not like to control people; Resist being controlled by others; Lively and energetic; able to motivate others; Highly value knowledge and competence; Logical, rational thinkers; Able to grasp difficult concepts and theories; Enjoy solving difficult problems; Dislike confining schedules and environments; Dislike routine, detailed tasks

Possible ENTP Careers:

Attorney, Psychologist, Entrepreneur, Photographer, Consultant, Engineer, Scientist, Actor, Sales Rep, Marketing Rep, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst

Famous ENTPs:

Alexander the Great, Alfred Hitchcock, Barack Obama, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Hicks, Bill Maher, Billy Crystal, Catherine the Great, Celine Dion, David Spade, Edmund Burke, Federico Fellini, Henry Kissinger, Hugh Grant, John Adams, Jon Stewart, Julia Child, Leonardo da Vinci, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mao Zedong, Neil Patrick Harris, Newt Gingrich, Nikola Tesla, Robert Downey Jr., Rose McGowan, Rowan Atkinson, Salma Hayek, Sarah McLachlan, Socrates, Stephen Colbert, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Tom Hanks, Walt Disney


Extroverted - Sensing - Feeling - Judging

ESFJ Traits:

Organized; Loyal; Can be depended on to follow things through to completion; Enjoy creating order, structure and schedules; Enjoy interacting with people; Warm-hearted and sympathetic; Tend to put others' needs above their own; Very good at giving practical care; Very cooperative, good team members; Practical and down-to-earth; Value peaceful living and security; Enjoy variety, but work well with routine tasks; Need approval from others; Receive satisfaction from giving to others; Live in the here and now - dislike theorizing about the future

Possible ESFJ Careers:

Nurse, Teacher, Administrator, Child Care, Physician, Clergy, Office Manager, Counselor, Social Worker, Bookkeeper, Accountant, Administrative Assistant

Famous ESFJs:

Alicia Keys, Andrew Carnegie, Andy Rooney, Anne Hathaway, Barbara Walters, Colin Powell, Danny Glover, Desmond Tutu, Elton John, Gerald Ford, Harry S. Truman, Hugh Jackman, Jamie Bell, Jason Segel, Jennifer Garner, Jenny McCarthy. Jessica Alba, John Boehner, Larry King, Mariah Carey, Nancy Kerrigan, Penelope Cruz, Prince William, Randy Jackson, Reba McIntire, Regis Philbin, Rick Santorum, Sally Field, Sally Struthers, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Palin, Selena Gomez, Shania Twain, Terry Bradshaw, Tyra Banks, Vanessa Hudgens, Victoria Beckham, Vin Diesel, Whitney Houston, Woody Harrelson


Extroverted - Sensing - Feeling - Perceiving

ESFP Traits:

Genuinely and warmly interested in people; Value people's feelings; Live in the present moment; Are stimulated and excited by new experiences; Practical and realistic; Warmly interested in people; Know how to have a good time and how to make things fun for others; Independent and resourceful; Spontaneous - seldom plan ahead; Hate structure and routine; Dislike theory and long written explanations; Feel special bond with children and animals; Strongly developed aesthetic appreciation for things; Great people skills

Possible ESFP Careers:

Artist, Performer or Actor, Sales Rep, Counselor, Social Work, Child Care, Fashion Designer, Interior Decorator, Consultant, Photographer, Athlete

Famous ESFPs:

Arsenio Hall, Bill Clinton, Bob Hope, Deepak Chopra, Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis Presley, Eva Gabor, Goldie Hawn, Gracie Allen, Hugh Hefner, John F. Kennedy, John Goodman, Judy Garland, Kyle Petty, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Lou Retton, Pablo Picasso, Paul McCartney, Peter the Great, Richard Branson, Ronald Reagan, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer


Extroverted - Intuitive - Feeling - Judging

ENFJ Traits:

Genuinely and warmly interested in people; Value people's feelings; Value structure and organization; Value harmony, and good at creating it; Exceptionally good people skills; Dislike impersonal logic and analysis; Strong organizational capabilities; Loyal and honest; Creative and imaginative; Enjoy variety and new challenges; Get personal satisfaction from helping others; Extremely sensitive to criticism and discord; Need approval from others to feel good about themselves

Possible ENFJ Careers:

Facilitator, Consultant, Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, Teacher, Clergy, Sales Representative, Human Resources, Manager, Events Coordinator, Politician, Diplomat, Writer

Famous ENFJs:

Abraham Lincoln, Abraham Maslow, Alfred Adler, Andy Griffith, Anna Sophia Robb, Barack Obama, Ben Affleck, Ben Stiller, Bob Saget, Bono, Carl Rogers, Charlie Rose, Dakota Fanning, Denzel Washington, Diane Sawyer, Dick Van Dyke, Elle Fanning, Emma Stone, Erich Fromm, Helena Bonham Carter, Jennifer Lawrence, Joe Biden, John Cusack, John Paul II, Johnny Depp, Kate Winslet, Kirstie Alley, Martin Luther King, Jr., Matthew McConaughey, Michael Jordan, Michael Moore, Mikhail Gorbachev, Morgan Freeman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Ralph Nader, Randy Quaid, Reese Witherspoon, Ronald Reagan


Extroverted - Intuitive - Feeling - Perceiving

ENFP Traits:

Project-oriented; Bright and capable; Warmly, genuinely interested in people; great people skills; Extremely intuitive and perceptive about people; Able to relate to people on their own level; Service-oriented; likely to put the needs of others above their own; Future-oriented; Dislike performing routine tasks; Need approval and appreciation from others; Cooperative and friendly; Creative and energetic; Well-developed verbal and written communication skills; Natural leaders, but do not like to control people; Resist being controlled by others; Can work logically and rationally - use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it; Usually able to grasp difficult concepts and theories

Possible ENFP Careers:

Consultant, Psychologist, Entrepreneur, Actor, Teacher, Counselor, Politician / Diplomat, Writer / Journalist, Television Reporter, Computer Programmer / Systems Analyst, Scientist, Engineer, Artist

Famous ENFPs:

Aldous Huxley, Alicia Silverstone, Andy Kaufmann, Andy Rooney, Anne Frank, Arianna Huffington, Bob Dylan, Carol Burnett, Charles Dickens, Daniel Radcliffe, Elizabeth Montgomery, Ellen DeGeneres, Fidel Castro, George Carlin, Gwen Stefani, Jerry Seinfeld, Katie Couric, Keira Knightley, Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Twain, Martin Short, Meg Ryan, Muammar Gaddafi, Orson Welles, Oscar Wilde, Phil Donahue, Robert Downey Jr., Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sharon Stone, Theodor “Dr.” Seuss Geisel, Walt Disney, Will Rogers, Will Smith


Introverted - Sensing - Thinking - Judging

ISTJ Traits:

Value tradition, security, and peaceful living; Will work long and hard to fulfill duties; Can be depended on to follow through on tasks; Loyal and faithful; Stable, practical and down-to-earth; Family-minded; Dislike doing things that don't make sense to them; Dislike abstract theory, unless they see the practical application; Natural leaders; Prefer to work alone, but work well in teams when necessary; Extremely observant, they take in facts via their senses and store them internally; Vast, rich inner store of facts that they rely on to understand problems that they encounter in their lives; Profound respect for facts and concrete information; Make decisions objectively, applying logic and rational thinking; Dislike change, unless they are shown it's benefit in a concrete way; Have strong opinions about the way things should be done; Appreciate structured, orderly environments; Have very high standards for their own behavior and the behavior of others; Not naturally in-tune with other people's feelings; Able to accomplish almost anything if they put their minds to it; Community minded "good citizens"

Possible ISTJ Careers:

Business Executive, Administrator, Manager, Accountant, Financial Officer, Police Officer, Detective, Judge, Attorney, Medicine, Dentist, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Military Leader

Famous ISTJs:

Andrew Johnson, Anthony Hopkins, Arthur Wellington, Benjamin Harrison, Calvin Coolidge, Duke of Wellington, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Elizabeth II, Erich von Manstein, Frederick the Great, George Washington, Henry Ford, Herbert Hoover, Johnny Carson, Kirk Douglas, Natalie Portman, Richard Nixon, Rivers Cuomo, Robert De Niro, Sean Connery, Sigmund Freud, Stonewall Jackson, Thomas Hobbes, Warren Buffett


Introverted - Sensing - Thinking - Perceiving

ISTP Traits:

Interested in how and why things work; Do not function well in regimented, structured environments; they will either feel stifled or become intensely bored; Constantly gather facts about their environment and store them away; Have an excellent ability to apply logic and reason to their immense store of facts to solve problems or discover how things work; Learn best "hands-on"; Usually able to master theory and abstract thinking, but don't particularly like dealing with it unless they see a practical application; Action-oriented "doers"; Focused on living in the present, rather than the future; Love variety and new experiences; Highly practical and realistic; Excellent "trouble-shooters," able to quickly find solutions to a wide variety of practical problems; Results-oriented; they like to see immediate results for their efforts; Usually laid-back and easy-going with people; Risk-takers who thrive on action; Independent and determined -- usually dislike committing themselves; Usually quite self-confident.

Possible ISTP Careers:

Police Officer, Detective, Forensic Pathologist, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Engineer, Construction, Mechanic, Farmer, Pilot, Athlete, Entrepreneur

Famous ISTPs:

Alan Shepherd, Amelia Earhart, Avril Lavigne, Bruce Lee, Burt Reynolds, Charles Bronson, Christian Bale, Clint Eastwood, Dalai Lama XIV, David Blaine, Demi Moore, Ellen Page, Frank Zappa, Harrison Ford, Jack Dorsey, James Dean, Jenna Jameson, John Malkovich, Katharine Hepburn, Keith Richards, Kristen Stewart, Michael Jordan, Miles Davis, Scarlett Johansson, Simon Cowell, Snoop Dogg, Stanley Kubrick, Steve Jobs, Tiger Woods, Tom Cruise, Woody Allen


Introverted - Intuitive - Thinking - Judging

INTJ Traits:

Able to absorb complex theoretical material; Driven to create order and structure from theoretical abstractions; Supreme strategists; Future-oriented; See the global, "big picture"; Strong insights and intuitions; Value their own opinions over others; Love difficult theoretical challenges; Bored when dealing with mundane routine; Value knowledge and efficiency; Have no patience with inefficiency and confusion; Have very high standards for performance (that they apply to themselves most strongly); Reserved and detached from others; Calm, collected and analytical; Logical and rational; Original and independent; Natural leaders, but will follow those they can fully support; Creative, ingenious, innovative, and resourceful; Work best alone, and prefer to work alone

Possible INTJ Careers:

Scientist, Engineer, Professor, Teacher, Medical Doctor, Dentist, Corporate Strategist, Organization Builder, Business Administrator, Business Manager, Military Leader, Attorney, Judge, Computer Programmer

Famous INTJs:

Angela Lansbury, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arthur Ashe, Augustus Caesar, Ayn Rand, C. S. Lewis, Chester A. Arthur, Chevy Chase, Christopher Hitchens, Emily Bronte, Friedrich Nietzsche, General Colin Powell, Heraclitus, Isaac Newton, James Cameron, Jane Austen, Jay-Z, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jodie Foster, Julia Stiles, Karl Marx, Lance Armstrong, Mark Zuckerberg, Martin Luther, Nikola Tesla, Roger Waters, Russell Crowe, Stephen Hawking, Susan B. Anthony, Ted Kaczynski, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson


Introverted - Intuitive - Thinking - Perceiving

INTP Traits:

Love theory and abstract ideas; Truth Seekers -- they want to understand things by analyzing underlying principles and structures; Value knowledge and competence above all else; Have very high standards for performance that they apply to themselves; Independent and original, possibly eccentric; Work best alone and value autonomy; Have no desire to lead or follow; Dislike mundane detail; Not particularly interested in the practical application of their work; Creative and insightful; Future-oriented; Usually brilliant and ingenius; Trust their own insights and opinions above others; Live primarily inside their own minds; May appear to be detached and uninvolved with other people

Possible INTP Careers:

Scientist, Physicist, Chemist, Photographer, Strategic Planner, Mathematician, University Professor, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Technical Writer, Engineer, Attorney, Judge, Forensic Research, Park Ranger, Mechanic

Famous INTPs:

Alan Greenspan, Albert Einstein, Ashley Olsen, Ben Stein, Carl Jung, Charles Darwin, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franz Kafka, Friedrich A. Hayek, Gerald Ford, Hannah Arendt, Immanuel Kant, J.K. Rowling, James Madison, Jeff Bingaman, Jesse Eisenberg, Jimmy Wales, John Locke, John Quincy Adams, Marie Curie, Mary-Kate Olsen, Meryl Streep, Milton Friedman, Paul Allen, Rene Descartes, Richard Dawkins, Sigourney Weaver, Tina Fey


Introverted - Sensing - Feeling - Judging

ISFJ Traits:

Large, rich inner store of information that they have gathered; Highly observant and aware of people's feelings and reactions; Excellent memory for details that are important to them; Very in-tune with their surroundings -- excellent sense of space and function; Can be depended on to follow things through to completion; Will work long and hard to see that jobs get done; Stable, practical, down-to-earth; Dislike working with theory and abstract thought; Dislike doing things that don't make sense to them; Value security, tradition, and peaceful living; Service-oriented: focused on what people need and want; Kind and considerate; Likely to put others' needs above their own; Learn best with hands-on training; Enjoy creating structure and order; Take their responsibilities seriously; Extremely uncomfortable with conflict and confrontation

Possible ISFJ Careers:

Interior Decorator, Designer, Firefighter, Nurse, Business Manager, Office Manager, Administrative Assistant, Child Care Provider, Social Worker, Counselor, Paralegal, Pastor or Priest, Church Employee, Shopkeeper, Bookkeeper, Forest Ranger

Famous ISFJs:

50 Cent, Anthony Hopkins, Barbara Bush, Bruce Willis, Christopher Walken, Elizabeth II, George H.W. Bush, Halle Berry, J. P. Morgan, Jessica Simpson, Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Carson, Kanye West, Kate Middleton, Kim Kardashian, Kirsten Dunst, Kristi Yamaguchi, Mary I, Mitt Romney, Mother Teresa, Nancy Reagan, Naomi Watts, Prince Charles, Princess Mary, Robert E. Lee, Rosa Parks, William Howard Taft


Introverted - Sensing - Feeling - Perceiving

ISFP Traits:

Keen awareness of their environment; Live in the present moment; Enjoy a slower pace -- they like to take time to savor the present moment; Dislike dealing with theory or abstract thought, unless they see a practical application; Faithful and loyal to people and ideas that are important to them; Individualistic, having no desire to lead or follow; Take things seriously, although they frequently appear not to; Special bond with children and animals; Quiet and reserved, except with people they know extremely well; Trusting, sensitive, and kind; Service-oriented and driven to help others; Extremely well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty; Likely to be original and unconventional; Learn best with hands-on training; Hate being confined to strict schedules and regimens; Need space and freedom to do things their own way; Dislike mundane, routine tasks, but will perform them if necessary

Possible ISFP Careers:

Artist, Musician, Designer, Child Care, Social Worker, Counselor, Teacher, Psychologist, Veterinarian, Forest Ranger, Pediatrician

Famous ISFPs:

Ashton Kutcher, Barbara Streisand, Beyonce, Bob Dylan, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Brooke Shields, Christina Aguilera, David Beckham, David Bowie, Dita von Teese, Drew Barrymore, Eminem, Frank Ocean, Fred Astaire, John Travolta, Justin Timberlake, Keith Richards, Kevin Costner, Lady Gaga, Leona Lewis, Liberace, Liv Tyler, Marie Antoinette, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, Paul McCartney, Prince, Prince Frederik, Prince Harry, Princess Diana, Rihanna, Ryan Gosling, Sofia Coppola, Steven Spielber, Ulysses S. Grant, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Zac Efron


Introverted - Intuitive - Feeling - Judging

INFJ Traits:

Intuitively understand people and situations; Idealistic; Highly principled; Complex and deep; Natural leaders; Sensitive and compassionate towards people; Service-oriented; Future-oriented; Value deep, authentic relationships; Reserved about expressing their true selves; Dislike dealing with details unless they enhance or promote their vision; Constantly seeking meaning and purpose in everything; Creative and visionary; Intense and tightly-wound; Can work logically and rationally -- use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it

Possible INFJ Careers:

Clergy / Religious Work, Teachers, Medical Doctors / Dentists, Alternative Health Care Practitioners, i.e. Chiropractor, Reflexologist, Psychologists / Psychiatrists, Counselors and Social Workers, Musicians and Artists, Photographers, Child Care / Early Childhood Development

Famous INFJs:

Adam Sandler, Adrien Brody, Al Pacino, Aristophane, Carrie Fisher, Cate Blanchett, Edward Norton, Eleanor Rossevelt, Evangeline Lilly, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Gandhi, George Harrison, Heinrich Himmler, Ho-Chi-Minh, James Reston, Jamie Foxx, Jesus, Jimmy Carter, Larry King, Leon Trotsky, Marilyn Manson, Martin Van Buren, Mel Gibson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Mischa Barton, Mother Teresa, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nelson Mandela, Nicole Kidman, Noam Chomsky, Oprah Winfrey, Pharell Williams, Plato, Shirley Temple, Tilda Swinton

(I am an INFJ and we are the best, OK?)


Introverted - Intuitive - Feeling - Perceiving

INFP Traits:

Strong value systems; Warmly interested in people; Service-oriented, usually putting the needs of others above their own; Loyal and devoted to people and causes; Future-oriented; Growth-oriented; always want to be growing in a positive direction; Creative and inspirational; Flexible and laid-back, unless a ruling principle is violated; Sensitive and complex; Dislike dealing with details and routine work; Original and individualistic -- "out of the mainstream"; Excellent written communication skills; Prefer to work alone, and may have problems working on teams; Value deep and authentic relationships; Want to be seen and appreciated for who they are

Possible INFP Careers:

Writers, Counselors / Social Workers, Teachers / Professors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Musicians, Clergy / Religious Workers

Famous INFPs:

A. A. Milne, Albert Camus, Amy Tan, Andrew Garfield, Andy Warhol, Audrey Hepburn, Augustine, Bjork, C.S. Lewis, Chloe Sevigny, David Lynch, David Simon, Dick Clark, Edgar Allan Poe, Fiona Apple, Florence Welch, Fred Rogers, Fred Savage, George Orwell, Hans Christian Andersen, Heath Ledger, Helen Keller, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Taylor, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jim Morrison, John F. Kennedy, Jr., John Kerry, John Lennon, John Milton, Johnny Depp, Jude Law, Kurt Cobain, Lisa Kudrow, Louis C.K., Morrissey, Neil Diamond, Nicolas Cage, Princess Diana, Robert Pattinson, Soeren Kierkegaard, Tim Burton, Tori Amos, Vincent van Gogh, Virginia Woolf, William Shakespeare

For more general information about the 16 different personality types:

The Myers & Briggs Foundation


16 Personalities

Betty C. Jung's Page

New Oceans

** All extended explanations found on personalitypage.com and brandongaille.com. **

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