Donald Trump: America's Mistake
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Donald Trump: America's Mistake

Why we can't allow Trump to take hold of the Oval Office?

Donald Trump: America's Mistake

We can’t buy into the trap. What trap you might ask? The trap that Donald Trump can in fact “Make America Great Again.” It’s easy enough to believe. Heck, he practically throws that slogan down the throats of the American voters. From his bright red hat to the countless t-shirts, Donald Trump can no longer be ignored. It would be irresponsible for the American people to continue standing by and laughing as Trump makes a mockery of our democratic system. Now, I know that many of his supporters feel that his “anti-establishment” views make him the best candidate for a democracy like ours, and they are not entirely wrong. This country does need a president from outside the beltway, but allowing Trump to use buzzwords and fear mongering tactics to take control of the White House would be a mistake.

Trump is vying for a position that requires a sensitive, diplomatic touch, which Mr. Trump simply does not possess. While it is refreshing to see a candidate ignoring political correctness for once, voters have to acknowledge that there is a fine line between being respectful and being politically correct, and Trump leapt over that line a long time ago. Sure, it’s fun to pretend that Trump has the ability to make the Mexican government fund the construction of a wall to separate the two countries, but in reality it is not politically or economically possible. Most politicians or political science degree holders would agree with that statement, just ask them.

Another problem with Trump is he likes to throw around China. Night after night he has stood at that debate stage and blamed China for our economic struggles. He uses China as the big bad boogeyman that is hiding in the halls of Congress. That type of fear mongering seems good at first; it feels good to be able to place the blame on someone else. Passing the buck from our government to China’s seems like a great idea, but to steal an idea from Rand Paul, can someone please tell Mr. Trump that China is not hiding behind every corner waiting to strike? Sure, we owe China a lot of money, and sure China has a population much greater than ours, but what Trump does not want people to realize is that China’s economy is just as fragile as ours. China is a country in the midst of an industrial revolution, and they are caught up in a supply and demand relationship with the United States. China needs us as consumers, far more than we need them.

China should not be our primary concern as a country, and neither should political correctness. What this country needs to be afraid of is a Donald Trump presidency. Likening running a business to running a country is a mistake. If Trump fails while in the Oval Office the results could be catastrophic. Unfortunately for him, failure in the White House could have drastic economic and diplomatic implications for the United States, and that would be one scenario where the business mogul could not use a government loophole to save him. As the election season starts heating up, think about this before you step into that voting booth: Should this country really elect a president who has proven time and time again he would abuse this country’s government to make a quick buck? We need a responsible leader at the helm to right this ship, not an egotistical maniac who wants to pretend diplomacy does not matter.

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