America: Land of the free and home of the brave. This rings true for the majority of the country but when it comes to who we are as people, this phase becomes shaky. The Pulse shooting, #BlackLiveMatter, Baton Rouge, Alton sterling; what do these shootings and movements have in common? Not only are they altering events in U.S history, they posses a deeper meaning. They all target a specific group of people. Black lives, LGBTQ and white police officers. By targeting these groups, we are discouraging a sense of freedom when it comes to people being themselves. As humans, our individuality, goals, likes, dislikes, style and aspirations is something that we hold dear to our hearts. It’s what makes us, us. In a recent study 42% of LGBT youth say the community in which they live in is not accepting of LGBT people.
A rising number of black American citizens don’t feel safe outside of their homes. To feel unsafe when pumping gas or buying milk from the convenience store? My jaw drops. Not only should America be worried about their individual citizen's identity, but America as a whole is in the hot seat. In a recent study conducted by The Bradley Project issued a report implying that America's national identity is being weakened. The participants in this study viewed American identity as based on a set of ideas and on a way of life - rather than founded on ethnicity. Those surveyed define American national identity as a commitment to freedom including free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of opportunity and political freedom. Key word here: FREEDOM. 63 % said that American national identity is growing weaker; 24 % state that Americans are already so divided we can no longer sustain a common identity. I see a theme here. America is on the track to shutting down our right to freedom when it comes to being who we are. These people were innocently bullied, discriminated against, put into the majority and even killed. We can't change who we are, so why are we fighting about it?