This week I’m going to break one of my rules and write about something political, but I’m going to try to make it as factual as possible.
As an American, I try to be fair and give Trump and his policies a chance. However, his move to try to eradicate Planned Parenthood is one that I cannot help but put an opinion in. This move to get rid of Planned Parenthood is going to send America back, a lot.
One common misconception about Planned Parenthood is that it is only an abortion clinic. That is very very WRONG. Planned Parenthood provides prenatal care to pregnant woman and provides health care to women who cannot afford health care otherwise, on all spectrums, not just in gynecological matters. If Trump manages to get rid of Planned Parenthood, he will put somewhere around ninety five percent of poor women out of health care.
Now on the actual abortion front, every one has the right to have their own opinion on this, and I am definitely not going to tell anyone how to feel or what opinion that they should have. I can see from both sides of the abortion argument. However, making abortion illegal and not providing women with a safe way of getting abortions is NOT going to stop women from getting abortions. It is just going to make them go back to getting coat hanger abortions, or getting abortions in back alley ways and backyards. It’s going to put a many women at risk because they will be risking serious infection if they get an abortion in a non-sterile place. It is also going to put any child who is attempted to be aborted and survived at even more risk, because if an abortion is not done by a doctor how can it be guaranteed to be successful? If the child survives, they are going to suffer so many disabilities and so many problems.
Here’s where I have trouble remaining the devils advocate, because I’m very opinionated about this part of abortion. What does a women do if she’s raped, and get’s impregnated? Is she going to be forced to carry this child to term and give birth to it? That would just add even more to the trauma of being raped. Or when the child is going to be born so damaged and in so much pain that it would bring them less pain to abort them in the early term? Or even when the mother is going to potentially die and the child die with her? Are these not acceptable times to abort a child? I understand saving lives and not wanting to kill someone, but what’s the difference between putting an extremely sick dog down, and “putting down” a child in the womb that will not feel nearly as much pain if they’re going to suffer much much much more outside of the womb? Yes, fetuses feel pain, but they feel significantly less pain in the womb then they would if they were dying outside the womb. By getting rid of Planned Parenthood, these people and fetuses would be forced to suffer much more pain than is necessary. Trust me, I am not trying to tell people how to feel. I can understand both the pro-life and the pro-choice stances. I actually stand directly in the middle with my personal beliefs, but if we are being honest here, getting rid of Planned Parenthood will do no good for anyone.