Studying abroad is an absolutely amazing experience. I'm so glad I came; I've learned so much about London and the British culture. Still, after being here for four months, all the things I miss from home are starting to invade my mind. I'll be home in less than a month, and I'm so ready for all of these things. So, thank you, England, but US, I'm comin' for ya.
1. Bagels.
They really don't understand bagels in Europe. They don't even have egg sandwiches.
2. 24 hour stores/restaurants.
Sometimes you just need pancakes at 3am and you don't need anyone questioning why3. Superstores.
4. Brunch.
5. Friends on Netflix.
6. American Money.
There are too many damn coins. The highest bill they have is the 5 pound.7. Deli Sandwiches.
I miss really good roast beef sandwiches. They only have weird sandwiches here, like cheese and onion. If you want death to be on your breath, grab an English sandwich.8. Not being stared at for my accent.
Now I can go back to being American and staring at people with European accents.