If you've kept up with politics at all over the past few years, or even months, you've most likely noticed the constant conflict between the political parties. If you haven’t, all you have to do is look at the comments on just about any political post on social media and you’re sure to see what I'm referring to. The problem with this is that we are creating a great divide between the two parties that just seems to keep growing and it's tearing America apart.
So which party is to blame then? Well, the blame doesn't lie with a single party but is instead shared by both parties. Both sides think that they are right about every single issue and refuse to even admit the possibility that they could be wrong. When this happens, America becomes a battle zone between the left and the right where all the problems in society are caused by the other side alone. This, however, is not the case as both parties refuse to compromise and resort to yelling insults at each other even after hypocritically criticizing the other side for doing the exact same thing. How can we expect anything to get done in America when this pointless hatred is constantly spreading, separating Americans into groups that are supposed to despise each other solely due to their beliefs?
As Americans, we've basically gotten to the point where we can't even deal civilly with people who believe differently than us. People literally get attacked for having a different opinion than other people and the comment sections on political posts are mostly just full of arguments and insults from people who can't stand someone disagreeing with them. As Mark 3:25 says, "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." The same thing goes for America. Although both sides have different views on numerous issues, many people have turned to pointless insults and violence instead of trying to compromise and get along. The two-party system has been turned into a war between one ideological standpoint and another. No progress can be achieved if we constantly insult each other and call each other stupid instead of trying to see each other's viewpoints so that a compromise can be made.
Politicians and biased media don't seem to help the division either with their constant demonizing of the other political party in order to gain support and ratings. They create a common enemy which unites the political party but further separates the political divide in American. Both political parties constantly use this tactic because it shifts the blame to the other party so that they don't have to take responsibility for any of America's problems. It seems we'd rather hate those who disagree with us than take responsibility and try to solve problems.
We must solve this division if we hope for any progression in America. If we don't come together and unite as Americans, then we can't have any hope of anything ever being achieved. No party is 100 percent right and no party is 100 percent wrong, so why do we act like that instead of coming together to create a better country for our future generations? A house divided against itself cannot stand.