Bravo Ryan Murphy bravo. American Horror Story is the best it has been in seasons! After the most disappointing two seasons the show is back in full force with one of the best twists in years. After the disappointments of Freak Show and Hotel, Roanoke has been a much needed season. The writers actually seem invested in the show for the first time in a long time. Obvious spoiler alerts for this current season and past seasons, so if you're not caught up stop reading now!
So if you watched this weeks episode we know that the fake documentary series "My Roanoke Nightmare" storyline has ended and an entirely new one has begun. The show has now taken a found footage show within a show within another show path...
With this twist this season has become the most meta the show has ever been. We now know that only one of the characters will survive this season and it already has us guessing which character it will be.
While this is the best twist of the past few seasons they killed Evan Peters again last night so who cares!