America's so called Labor Day celebration on September 1st is a misconception promoted by the American Government. The original Labor Day took place on May 1st, 1886, and the correct name for the festivity is May Day.
On May 1st 1886 the Knights of Labor organized a meeting in Chicago's Haymarket Square to protest the death of four strikers killed at the city's International Harvester plant. When the police arrived at the protest an unknown individual threw a bomb into the crowd of policemen approaching. Union leaders of the Knights of Labor stated they had nothing to do with the indecent and denied any connection to violence. The United States Government convicted the union leaders after a series of lengthy trials despite the fact that they had no hard evidence against them. Four of the union leaders were hanged others had life sentences, and one committed suicide. In response, an international amnesty campaign ensued in an attempt to free these men. The Knights of Labor Union crumbled after their major leaders were convicted. New debates and protests about freedom of speech took place followed by marches and protests.
By 1889 May Day had become a world wide holiday and is celebrated in almost every country in the world except for America, but why ban a holiday that originated in America? The Federal Government here in America believes that "May Day" conjures radicalism and they deem it as an anarchist holiday which is not the case at all. They made an attempt to create a "safer" holiday not taking place on May 1st, but instead taking place on September 1st in hopes of making the holiday less politically divisive. It's bit deceitful if you ask me. Maybe they just want you to forget about it.
These workers were calling for a revolution in American economics because they feared the power of large corporations. If May Day were celebrated annually in the U.S. maybe corporations would not have the upper hand that they have today and maybe the Koch brothers wouldn't have the power to sway politicians.