Facebook posts, protesters outside of Planned Parenthood, the Life Chain and politicians preaching Pro-Life viewpoints are all something we seem to encounter on a daily basis. Some women are fighting for the right to their bodies, while other’s are doing the complete opposite. Laws are being put into place for the sole purpose of making abortions more difficult to receive - even though, under the federal law, abortions are perfectly legal.
These Anti-Choice activists are convinced America would be a better place if abortion was outlawed, but have they really thought about what that actually means? In a “perfect” world, maybe they naively believe that abortion would no longer exist — but that is so far from the reality of this potential nightmare that it's laughable.
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Women have, and would continue to, try to end any unwanted pregnancy whether it is legal or not. Even if abortion became illegal again, the desire to end a pregnancy wouldn't all of a sudden disappear. Instead, the dangerousness of the process would increase, literally jeopardizing the lives of women all over the country.
Flash back to the days before Roe vs. Wade and realize that abortion still existed, it would be no different today. Today, in states like Texas where abortion restrictions are tightening and clinics are closing, The Atlantic reports women are buying the abortion pill, misoprostol, from flea markets or online websites because they are so desperate due to the restrictive laws.
Back before Roe vs Wade, it’s estimated that around 1.2 million women resorted to illegal abortions and around 5,000 women died from illegal abortions gone wrong annually, according to ProChoiceAmerica. That’s really no surprise when you consider women taking pills that weren't prescribed by doctors, forcing foreign objects into their bodies or inflicting physical trauma by falling down stairs.
If a woman wasn't able to find or go through with an illegal abortion method, that doesn't benefit anyone. She's still forced to go through with an unwanted pregnancy because of government restrictions. That's more children being born into families that never wanted them, or are unfit to have kids. That's rape or incest victims having to be traumatized because they can't even end a pregnancy that was the result of an assault. And that can reasonably mean more babies being abandoned after birth or placed into foster care later on.
Without legal abortion, women will continue to find DIY abortion methods, just like back before they were ever given the right to choose. Anti-Choice activists won't be ending abortion, they'll be ending safe and legal abortions. This will cause women to resort to dangerous methods because they no longer have the legal right to control their own bodies. Abortion isn't forced onto anyone, but outlawing abortion does force women into a horrible situation.