Happy 240th birthday to America in all her glory of amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesty. Today, we get fired up and celebrate our country by unleashing some pyrotechnics because what other way is there to celebrate the greatest country on the planet?
In case you need some reminders of American excellence, I will now commemorate the USA by recalling 24 things that make her the greatest land on Earth.
1. Resilience
Can easily be summed up by Toby Keith: “Justice will be served and the battle will rage, this big dog will fight when you rattle his cage, and you’ll be sorry you messed with the U.S. of A.”
2. Ol' Glory
50 stars to represent the Manifest Destiny in its fullness, and the 13 stripes to commemorate its humble beginnings. Flying high, stitched to a soldier’s sleeve or pasted on a helmet, FOREVER honorable.
3. The Best Breakup Text Of All Time
Bye Felicia
4. Statue Of Liberty:
Lady Liberty Enlightening the world since 1886.
5. The Bald Eagle:
Its fierce beauty and proud independence symbolize the strength and freedom of America.
6. Uncle Sam In All His Patriotism
7. The World's Greatest Military
Back to back World War Champs
8. The 2nd Amendment:
Our houses are protected by the good Lord and some GUNS.
9. M-1 Garand
10. M-16
11. The First On The Moon
12. The Johns
John Deere: American manufacturer of all things agricultural, construction and forestry machinery.
John 3:16: I'm referring to the freedom of Religion, y'all.
John Wayne: American actor, director and producer
13. The Word "Y'all"
14. Ford Pick Up Trucks
Okay, maybe pick up trucks in general....but it doesn't get any more American than Ford, in my opinion. America, Truck yeah!
15. The B-2 Stealth Bomber
16. F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-22 Raptor, A-10 Thunderbolt (Warthog)
Because nothing says "America" like Air Power.
17. Country Music
Have you ever driven with the windows rolled down and country music turned up? #Merica
(P.S. go listen to the "Heartland Country" playlist on Spotify because it's EVERYTHING.)
18. Blue Jeans
19. Tennessee Whiskey and Kentucky Bourbon
20. Football:
Pop warner, high school, college, professional. America cannot get enough!
21. Baseball:
A crisp summer evening at the ball field with the smell of fresh cut grass and hotdogs. Sounds like America to me.
22. Thanksgiving:
Gorging yourself with food, The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, food, The Purina Dog Show, more food, and FOOTBALL!
23. Apple Freakin' Pie
Snickers, Twinkies, Potatoes, Chicken, Pickles Cheese, etc.
I really could go on forever, but by now you get the point. Basically, the red, white and blue forever stays winning, y'all.