The fact I am even writing about this topic breaks my heart. As a citizen, I am astonished by all of the hate circulating throughout our nation.
So, this article will be relating to our most recent election, but my goal is to go further than just that. My goal is for you to understand that Americans need to unite in order for our nation to thrive again.
America is home to one of the freest democracies in the world. While other countries seem like their citizens are free, they actually have a parliament, royalty, or a dictator ruling them. Yet these types of governments were designed for that particular country. Well, democracy was designed for America. In our country, 'We the people' are able to judge who can run the country.
Unfortunately, right now, America is deeply divided in who should run this country. This past election, Trump was elected to be our new president. Instead of our nation coming together and figuring out how can every citizen can work to make our situation better, we freaked out. No, I am not targeting the liberals. That is NOT what this article is about. When I say a divided nation, I mean the Trump-supporters and anti-Trump protesters.
An election is supposed to judge what candidate the American people want to represent America. I also understand that in this election, we got candidates that seemed to be from the bottom of the barrel. Regardless of what side you were supporting, all of us can agree that this election was a wake-up call.
That being said, we all need just one opportunity to unite again. We do not need the mainstream media to shape our mind. They are just allowing their own opinions to lead Americans to polarization. These fake news articles are seizing people's ability to formulate a true opinion.
Instead of uniting America behind a war, or a wall, or a certain right, we as citizens should unite to demand facts from the media. We the people deserve to know the truth instead of the false.
America needs to unite and win against biased, cherry-picked media that is corrupting our thoughts. John F. Kennedy once said " My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Well America, we need to stop falling for the first article regarding the next biggest news story and do our own research. Dig for information in a multitude of areas. We are better than to just believe anything the mainstream media says. Remember, they need to pay their employees too...
If we all chip in and start exploiting extremely biased news, then instead of polarization, we can move the both parties closer together. These next 6 months are going to determine our next few years, so why allow extremely biased news programs to dictate your thoughts. This is our country. Let's not let the elite divide us. Do the research and take charge of thoughts. If you do, then we all can unite America again.