The human race continuously demands advancement. This has remained the case in our time, our parent's time, and deep into the distant parts of history. We've successfully created a numerical system, developed concise languages, and fostered dozens upon dozens of intricately unique cultures. America, specifically, was founded on the progressive ideas of people wanting more freedom. The impressive accomplishments of the world's human population are far and wide.
The United States of America has shown its commendable abilities, and multiple weaknesses throughout its existence. I ask that we not rely on our history to propel us into the future. After all, most of us don't enjoy living in the shadow of our parents or sibling's accomplishments. Why should we live content with what those before us have done, without ever truly proving our own worth? If we want to continue America's greatness then we must take responsibility for its current position.
One person does not have the capacity to fully reconcile the idealized United States of America in our history books to the current reality of what the USA has become since America is a republic of free-willed people. It is not a monarchy nor a dictatorship where only one human determines the course of the entire country. America was not founded by one person, therefore, it cannot continue to exist by the actions of one person. "America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand," declared Harry S. Truman. If we desire America to be great then we must each take responsibility for the process of its potential greatness.
In an age of immediacy, the capability to wait has significantly diminished. But for lasting success and substantial benefits to take place we must prepare ourselves for the long ordeal ahead of us. Problems will not be solved because someone else came to power. While the President and Congress might sign the bills and pass laws, it is the general population which makes them effective. It was us, the general population, who voted for them to be in office. The ability for change has always been within our grasp, but it requires sacrifice and negotiation. Progression is about giving and taking. Greatness is not something that can be handed to us. The collective work of honor, dedication, honesty, and humility create greatness. America was built by hard work and must be preserved by it as well. The United States carries a legacy, but for the legacy to become our constant reality we must know how to fight for it. Not with hatred, or violence but with the understanding America was founded as "the land of the free."
"Greatness lies, not in being strong, but in the right using of strength; and strength is not used rightly when it serves only to carry a man above his fellows for his own solitary glory. He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own," said Henry Ward Beecher.