I have a problem with America right now. Here's the thing, though: my problem isn't with a certain political party and my problem isn't with President Trump. My problem is with us.
It's hard, actually impossible, to ignore the overwhelming divide that has shaken our country. I log onto social media, turn the TV or radio on, drive through the city, or go to class and this divide becomes more and more obvious. See, the truth is though, that this divide isn't the fault of Hillary Clinton or President Trump, this divide is our fault. Family disowns family based off of who they voted for. Friends name call friends because of an article they shared on Facebook. Riots break out, targeting innocent individuals for having their own beliefs. An SNL writer publicly refers to our President's 10 year old son as "this country's first home-school shooter." Madonna, a famous pop-star who acts as a role model to so many, tells the entire world that she wants to "blow up the White House." Is this really who we've become?
It's time to grow up, America.
United we stand and divided we fall, right? In the end, we all want the same thing. We want to see our country continue to grow and develop rigorously. How is this supposed to happen with such a divide of the people? Name calling, harassing and rioting will not change who our president is, it will only continue the divide. Regardless of which political party you identify with, why would you ever, as an American citizen, wish for our President to fail us? You don't have to like him or agree with any of his policies, but wishing for the President of the United States to fail is wishing for The United States to fail.
United, we are stronger than any one person's ideas or beliefs, but divided we are nothing.