It is next to impossible to be living in today's society without the lingering feeling of the upcoming election this November. I can only wonder what it looks like to our international friends from an outsider's view. Do they have the same views of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that some of us share? Many wonder how the current front-runners have gotten to where they currently are. Donald Trump has held no prior political office, and is suddenly the presumptive nominee for the Republican party to take on the one of the most powerful political roles in the nation.
As for how he got to power, this didn't happen overnight. The American people have been waiting for this fake-haired Messiah for a number of reasons; each to their own reasons. Chronicle of Higher Education authors N.D.B Connolly and Keisha N. Blain have composed a mock college syllabus on Donald Trump's rise to power. Numerous authors, books and primary sources are given for the students to read with authors such as Richard Nixon, W.E.B. DuBois, and Paul Ryan.
Former President Ronald Reagan had left us with some famous quotes such as "Honey, I forgot to duck" when he survived an attempted assassination at the hands of John Hinkley. Perhaps the best one to fit here would be
“Let's make America great again.” — Ronald Reagan
Ah, yes. Donald Trump's beloved campaign slogan has apparently been beloved since the 1980s. Now wonder it sticks so well!
Donald Trump leads a no-holds barred kind of campaign; stepping on others to get attention and votes. Willingly insulting competitors and anyone else who could get in his way. However, what is Donald Trump trying to bring this country back to? Ronald Reagan wanted to make America great again by fixing the economy; an all too familiar reality. However, this is the 1970s we are talking about. Here is a clip from the movie "Network" that can put you in a decent state of mind on the topic.
I think we can all attest to this in some shape or form. Personally, I'm as mad as hell that there is still a stigma against people of the LGBTQIA+ peoples. I'm as mad as Hell that innocent lives are still being taken for the stupidest offenses. I'm as mad as Hell that we are told to love our neighbor, but God forbid we love Mexicans, Muslims, refugees, or any other minority as actual human beings. I'm as mad as Hell that our nation's Republican front runner slings insults right and left instead of just focusing on political positions. I'm mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore! We have to say that they are human beings, God Dammit! If not, then what happens to this nation?
Trump has referred to his followers as the Silent Majority, a nickname coined by Richard Nixon. Nixon's silent majority were mainly white, middle-class adults who had remained nonvocal about their opinions on the Vietnam War. As student opposition grew to the war, Nixon asked for the Silent Majority to come out and voice their thoughts. The Silent Majority did outcry, especially after the Kent State Shootings and their voices were heard. Nixon would rally their support up until he resigned from office after connections with the Watergate Scandal were drawn back to him.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Freedom Writers?" Perhaps you may have read the book. Basically, the it's the true story of a new teacher, Erin Gruell. She is a white, upper-middle class teacher who is teaching at an inner-city school with a class of the "unteachables." These are the refugees, the students in gangs, the poor, the homeless and the silenced. The students are so divided by race and gangs that they all hate each other and fight constantly. A racist caricature is passed around of one of the African-American students and portrays him with huge lips. Gruell uses this as a lesson that can be seen here.
If Trump was truly making America great again, he would be ending racism, promoting rights for gender and sexual minorities, and many others. Then again, when was America truly great all around? Was it? We all have this idea of the American Dream. Many see it as the 1950s sitcom style life where mom makes dinner, everyone eats at the table, and all is happy-go-lucky. Do we not realize that this "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle was the same time as the Jim Crow laws? To which great point are we returning? The Trail of Tears? The Zoot Suit Riots? Wake up people. We need to change for the better. We can make America great. Where is Donald Trump trying to take us back to?
Let's make America great again by promoting compassion. respecting each others differences and rising together as one human family. Instead of tearing down other races, genders and identities; bring them together. Togetherness is how we will truly make America great again.