Ever struggle to decide whether you're an introvert or an extrovert? Have you taken the Meyers-Briggs test time and time again only to get conflicting results each time? Perhaps you're neither. Ambiverts are more commonly known as extroverted introverts, which make up a surprisingly large part of the population. Here are just a few ways to know if you're an ambivert:
1. Small talk is annoying to us.
Either say something meaningful or nothing at all.
2. We're constantly stuck in our own heads.
Our train of thought is essentially never-ending.
3. Texting us can be a challenge sometimes.
Sometimes we just don't feel like talking to anyone.
4. We're picky about who we keep in our circle.
Our circles tend to be smaller than most.
5. We love being around just about any kind of person.
We're often known as social "floaters."
6. We don't mind attention, as long as we're not the center of it.
No spotlight, please.
7. We're especially not big on talking to strangers alone.
Being without that safety net is a no-go on our watch.
8. Going out doesn't sound appealing until we're actually out doing something.
Plans almost never sound enticing enough.
9. In fact, we will tell you we're busy just to have some down time.
Listen, friends are awesome. Just not tonight.
10. Wanting to stay in instead of going out can make us feel guilty.
It's not because we don't like you, we promise. We just value our down time.
11. We can actually be social butterflies in the right setting.
We love to express our extroverted side.
12. We just need some time alone after long periods of being social.
A little "me" time to recharge our energy is all we need.
13. Being social can take a toll on our energy after a while.
Having friends that understand this struggle is key.
14. Downtime doesn't feel unproductive to us.
We like to feed our introverted sides sometimes.
15. But feeding our social side is an absolute must in keeping us happy.
Not being social enough drives us crazy.
16. Balancing our introverted and extroverted sides is no picnic.
There's no exact science to this.
17. Yet being an ambivert can be one of our most endearing qualities.
We're some of the most realistic, loyal people you will ever meet.