Parties, parties and more parties. That's what college is about. Right? Wrong. As new high school graduates, you desire the college experience. It's just around the corner and you can't wait to have the time of your life. Of course, you should have fun and meet new people, but make sure you remember the real reason you're going away: to get an education.
It's not lame to do your homework and study. It's how you survive college. You just need ambition. Ambition is the most important tool to find success. You could be the valedictorian of your class, but no amount of intelligence will get you through college without ambition. You have to want to succeed. You have to desire knowledge. You have to push yourself to be the greatest version of you. Of course you'll have your weak moments, and that's OK. Just be sure to keep yourself on track as well as you can.
You need to be determined, passionate and disciplined. Find the strength to make the sacrifices needed for your success. Set some of your goals and always keep them in the back of your mind. Success is found by living, not by dreaming. So work hard for your goals. Keep them attainable and manageable, but challenge yourself. By doing so, you will learn more than you know.
If you go into college with ambition, you will not fail. You will work hard, learn, and test your limits. You will learn so much about yourself. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. Thrive and conquer.
Life has so much to offer, but it is up to you to take chances and find what is out there. Ambition gives you clarity about what you want to find in your experiences. The best thing about it is that you can decide whether you are ambitious or not. If you really want it, you can have it.
Applying ambition to college is simple. Do you want to learn? Do you want to get good grades? Do you want to make connections with the professional world? Of course you do, so do it. Pay attention in class, meet with your professors during their office hours, do your homework, study and you will be successful. There are so many ways to keep yourself motivated. Your long-term goals are important, but your short-term goals will keep you full of persistence. Aim to get As on your tests and to make the Dean's List each semester. Tell yourself you can do it, because I know you can, and I know you will. Make your friends and family proud -- that is enough motivation in itself.
Make ambition a part of you.
Don't forget to have a little fun at school, though! It's all about balance.