I think the most used expression of our day is “I wish.” The English proverb says, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." Wishing does not metamorphose into reality unless it’s barked by corresponding action. A lot of people tend to be deluded by the Disney world notion. This is where everything falls in place beautifully without any stress. Thus it should come on a silver platter. Trust me; you would linger in your dreams.
Ask someone what he or she desires to be and you would enjoy the harmony of the answers: doctor, lawyer, banker, writer and other professions. The follow up question then comes, how do you become a doctor? And they do not have any idea at all. The first step to reality is information. If one desires to pursue a career, it is incumbent on him or her to get all the information there is on their dreams. This will give the path to follow for the ambition to materialize. The knowledge of this influences ones approach to his dream.
Discipline cannot be done away with in having wishing turn into reality. It is a personal resolve to do things at their right time. Indiscipline is costly because it kills dreams. Talents untapped, jobs lost and all negativity is at a result of procrastination, laziness, corruption among others which are all fruits of indiscipline. To be what you desire, discipline is required.
Communication skills is essential in realizing dreams as well. It has been made easier and faster through a lot of social networking platforms. Talking about Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Viber, the list goes on and on. Conveying thoughts, ideas, experiences, documents, information is fun. However, this media of the language use have restricted amounts of words you communicate with. Some have 150 words, others 100 and even less. For example, "How are you?" in a text now would be "hw r u?" because the person would want to write more words to communicate with the limited required. Most of the users of this platform are the young folks. As a result,academic writing has been the sufferer of this canker. The writing of poor structured essays is more prevalent. Wrong spellings, misplaced word use, dangling and uncoordinated ideas, and the use of the alphabets to represent words.To remediate this, I think young people must take opportunity of these platforms to develop mastery over the English language.
Finally, passion keeps you on, come what may. No one is supposed to determine what you should be whether parents, friends, movies or music. It must be a personal drive to pursuing that. In this way, you do not blame anyone if things are not smooth. Passion makes you determined to achieve at all costs.
Disney world is for recreation not realization.