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11 Items From Amazon To Take Your Dorm Room From Dull To Damn

With a couple inexpensive items from Amazon and some of your Christmas money you can revamp your dorm room in no time at all.

11 Items From Amazon To Take Your Dorm Room From Dull To Damn

With the start of a new semester, it can be nice to bring some new life to your dorm room. Even one or two new items can make a room that much homier and more comfortable to live in. With these inexpensive items, you're sure to feel cozy AF.


I am obsessed with succulents and I'm sure many of you are too. Adding a little greenery to a room can be a great way to make it look and feel like home. Whether it's a real plant or a fake plant it's sure to add a little life to your room. Succulents are easy to care for, just water them twice a month!

Practical Lights

Dorm rooms never really seem to have enough lighting and the overhead light is always too harsh. Having a few desk lamps can help to brighten up a space without it feeling so fluorescent. This adorable desk lamp looks like a plant, plus it has three brightness levels.


Urban Outfitters likes to sell tapestries for $50 plus, yikes! Amazon offers some much more affordable options that create the same effect. For just under $12, this Desert Cactus Tapestry adds the perfect amount of color to a dull space.


Adding a new pillow or two to your bed can totally change the look of your bedding. This succulent pillow is a little on the pricier side, but it's so beautiful. If you're on more of a budget, this cactus shaped pillow gives the same effect.


This customizable banner can be reused and changed as many times as you'd like. So basically you're getting infinite room decor for the price of this one banner. You'll never need to buy another birthday banner again.

Photo Display

This photo display is the cutest thing ever, It's so unique compared to other photo displays I've seen which makes it that much better. Fill it with photos, postcards, or keepsakes to keep your room clutter free.


This little fluffy rug also doubles as a chair cover. A white rug can be kind of risky in a dorm room, but it would still be a totally cute rug in another color.

Fun Lights

A dorm room also needs fun lights as well. This curtain light works as a wall display and a light source, meaning it's totally worth your investment.

Enough Storage

Having a cluttered space can keep you from feeling zen in your room. A few bins like this can keep your clutter contained in a way that's aesthetically pleasing.

Seat Cushion

This seat cushion makes that wooden dorm chair a lot comfier, plus it comes in a bunch of colors. Something simple like this adds a splash of color and makes sitting at your desk bearable for more than 20 minutes.

Diffuser or Candle 

While a lot of colleges won't let you have candles in your room, they still make totally cute decor. These succulent candles are too cute to burn. This cactus diffuser will give the same effect if you can't have a candle.

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