Have you ever been judged for who you are because you're a woman? Has your self-esteem gone down because you feel that men are more superior in what they do? Women, I am going to tell you right now that you are not unequal in any shape or form.
As history has gone on, I feel like women are taking bad raps for being women. Hello, men need to open their eyes and understand that women have changed a lot in history's time and will continue to change it. For instance, one of my favorite things we all learned in history class was about Rosa Parks. I mean, can we give this woman more credit? If it wasn't for her who knows what our society would be like today. It would probably still be segregated for all we know.
There are so many other women that deserve more credit.
The old saying, "Men: we can't live with them and we can't live without them," is true to some parts. Yes, if the population does want to add more people then, yes, we need men. Let's be honest and, yes, I will quote a Special K commercial: women are amazing because we are the ones who have kids and some of us go through nine months of hell.
I am not one to judge, but most guys are lazy and careless, and they think that women should be the 1950's housewife and stay home and take care of the kids and cook and clean. Don't get me wrong, being a mother is a full-time job and someone has to do it but is by choice; a man shouldn't be superior and make the money. If a woman wants to work, she can make money too.
There are some women that make more than men — does that make them less worthy? No. If men find this offending then they are shallow, because women are equal to men.
Women can and will continue to change America and continue to change the society we live in.