When It comes to black natural hair, we all know that it takes a significant amount of time and effort just to maintain and get our hair looking right. Due to the time consumption, I usually wear my hair in box braids or senegalese twists just to avoid the hassle of everyday maintenance, but there are those days when I don't have my braids in. And I'm faced with waking up every morning doing my natural hair. When I do my natural hairstyles, I usually keep it very simple by wearing my hair in an updo/flat twisted hairstyle. And because I am a stickler for natural hair growth, I keep my all-natural hair products very simple, too.
I follow the LOC method (Liquid, Oil, and Cream), but I critique it just a little by not using a cream; instead, I use a sealant. Below, you will find a list of the products I use to maintain my natural hair growth.
Coconut Oil or Olive Oil
I love, love, love coconut oil, I use it in my hair on a daily basis. Coconut oil is great for your hair growth because it nourishes, strengthens, and thickens your hair due to it containing essential vitamins and fatty acids. Aside from the pros of coconut oil, olive oil serves importance in hair maintenance and growth by protecting your hair from heat damage and contributes to a healthy appearance to damaged/broken hair. Favorably, I mix the two, making an excellent oil combination.
Water is the key to natural hair growth as it contributes to the moisturizing of your scalp and hair. This ingredient is important for any hair type if you are seeking natural healthy hair. I typically put water in a spray bottle (with coconut oil or olive oil) and apply it to my hair every two days.
Shea Butter
Shea Butter is your best friend on your natural hair journey. As I mentioned earlier that I use a sealant in my hair, I was referring to this. Shea Butter works as an excellent sealant because it offers your hair moisture retention all while sealing the hair shaft.
Conditioner is an essential item on any hair product list. The conditioner I use is Aussie Miracle Moist infused with avocados and Jojoba seed oil. This conditioner is the best because it penetrates into your hair shaft, ultimately softening and providing your hair with a maximum amount of moisture.
Styling Gel
Styling Gel is a must have for any natural hairstyles. You need this to define those curls and lay your edges. I usually use Eco Styler Gel with argan oil, but I recently tried out the Wet Line Xtreme Professional Styling Gel (I don't recommend this; it flakes). But choosing a good styling gel will help with those small touch-ups to make your hairstyles bomb.