Everyone has had a euphoric or amazing moment once in their life. Hopefully you've experienced one of these.
1. Listening to old music that you use to listen to when you were younger.
2. Being at a concert and everyone is signing along to one of your favorite songs.
3. Blasting country music, on a background, with the top down on the jeep on a summer day.
4. Falling asleep on the beach.
5. Hanging out with your friends--in that moment you realize how perfect life is at the very second.
6. Feeling you aced a test, interview, project, presentation, ect.
7. Binge watching without that anxious feeling that you are procrastinating.
8. Having deep, intellectual, heart to hearts with people you barely know.
9. Laying your bed after a long day.
10. Waking up early a couple days straight and FINALLY SLEEPING IN
12. Falling in love.
13. After a long "show hole", you find another TV show to binge watch.
14. Changing you hair color and feeling like that was the best decision you've ever made
15. Buying new make up
16. Make up on fleek.
17. Watching an inspirational movie/video or reading something inspirational
18. When your favorite team wins the most intense game ever.
20. When someone tries to roast you but jokes on them cause you can care less about what they think
21. Being a witness to a major part or turning point in history. (That event can actually be in the history books.
23. A dog or cat loving you.