I am a Republican. And yes, I am young. I know what you’re all thinking at this point. “Shocker, a young republican who doesn’t know what she is talking about.” That right there makes me a proud republican because I do not live up to these ridiculous misconceptions. Yes, I support Trump and I strongly think he is our last hope for this country. So, duh. I will be voting for him because I despise all liberal/socialist parties. Here is why:
I have a strong belief that liberals have no clue what are country is truly about, and to me that is what is breaking our country. If this generation educated themselves, learned ALL the facts, and looked at BOTH sides of each party (like I did) then they would finally understand that this is America and you get what you work for. What you put in is what you get out. There is no “half-assing” it.
You want to go to college? Awesome. Make the grades, apply for scholarships, get a job, and stop complaining it isn’t free. “Well Bernie said…..” COLLEGE CAN NOT BE FREE. NOTHING IS FREE. Sorry for the caps lock there but seriously people…? Rewind at second because I take back my apology for how harsh I just sounded because I am only being honest. We live in a world where free is not a thing. I promise Bernie can try and make “free college” a real thing, but I can also promise you will see your tax dollars reach an all-time high which basically means we will all be paying for everyone to go to college. And really, how is that fair?
College is a privilege. Yes, it sucks paying for college, but I know if college was free, it would not be taken as seriously as it is today. Just like all the other free education from high school wasn’t taken seriously. I personally do not want to sit in a class full of slackers who will just take college for granted. That is quite frankly wasting mine and the professor’s time and effort in every aspect. I absolutely refuse to let my tax payer money go to the people who are lazy, and expect everything to be handed to them.
Secondly, let me just state, this generation is disrespectful.
I am SO ashamed to be a part of this generation. I am ashamed to be a woman in this country because I am put in the category of feminism. Mark my words, I will never be a feminist because of how women treat men these days. If this movement is about equality then why are we treating men as if they are below us? Why do we feel the need to be bullies? This isn’t the 1900s anymore. I am tired of hearing about women’s rights. You may think I sound ignorant but I am simply just stating the facts.
When did this generation become so soft about people’s opinions? Why is everyone offended about everything? Why does everything have to be politically correct? It’s ANNOYING.
How come when republicans (Like Trump) try to voice our opinions we are threatened, and we are wrong? Last time I checked, an opinion can’t be wrong because it is an opinion. Why is it that this country is about standing up for what you believe in but when someone does so, people disgrace them? A liberal can voice their opinion and everyone will cheer but when we republicans do, we get boos? Not cool.
I could go on forever because I have surprisingly taken a liking to politics and everything it is about but I will stop here. I encourage everyone to voice their own opinions, like I have just done with mine, but I discourage everyone to start a riot over who is right and who is wrong.
Wake up, America!