So many things have transpired in the last few days: Martin Luther King Day, a day that celebrates the life and accomplishments of a man that helped change the face of American society, followed by the inauguration of one of the most controversial Presidents in recent history. Then, women around the world marched in solidarity. No arrests were made in a 2.9-million-person protest? I do not believe everything that I read on the internet, but I saw the pictures and the news articles. I served three women who march with approximately seventeen thousand women in the streets of downtown Raleigh.
Fists raised high. Standing as one. I raised mine, too, because it was bigger than anything people could imagine. You see these things happen in various parts of the world. Recently, in the United States however, we've fallen victim to protests involving murders, and injustice. But this, this was special. This drove it home. Women will do whatever it takes to be equal, and they are sick of men making choices for them. This is how a revolution begins. This will not be the last you will see of this. This is seriously a two-sided issue, because it is two genders. This is not LGBTQ+. This is not Black Live Matter. This is not Make America Great Again protesters. This is women stating, with grace and elegance once again, that we are here and you will hear me!
Go Raleigh Women for making a stand. This is history.